40 minutes
2.68 miles
490 calories
40% fat
Max heart rate = 174 90%
Avg heart rate = 151 78%
6 mins walking @L3.6
5 mins running @L5
6 mins walking @L3.4
3 mins running @L5
6 mins walking @L3.4
3 mins running @L5
6 mins walking @L3.2
2 mins running @L5
3 mins walking @L3.2
13 minutes running
27 minutes walking
Hellz yeah!
I can't believe I ran for 5 minutes straight right off the bat today. Makes me feel darn good. ;)~
That's such awesome progress!!!! Congratulations :)
Woo HOO!!! That is fantastic! Awesome progress.
Brilliant!! I like the way your running program has the running periods getting less with each iteration too - makes it seem less scary lol.
Keep up the cracking work.
Nice work on your running today! It's great how you keep track of your heart rate too - You're right in the zone. Keep up the hard work!
dude you are rocking it! go you
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