I first want to thank y'all for your comments regarding the 30-day shred! I'm going to get started on it Friday. :) Also, several of you darlings asked what it is and how you can get the deets. I'm happy to share the information.
Jillian Michaels, of The Biggest Loser, is a crazy awesome personal trainer, body burning, muscle ripping, fat melting genius. Well, that's my opinion, at least. She put out a video called the 30-Day Shred. She says you can lose up to 30 pounds doing the video in one month. So. I got it, and haven't actually DONE it. Like, done it 30 days running. And I'd like to.
Don't be scurred. There are 3 different levels, so if you're not a fitness buff (as I am totally not either) you can still do the vid and then increase your level as you get stronger!
I got mine at
Amazon.com, and you'll probably find a good deal there or on eBay. YAY!
Well, my first piece of advice to you guys should have been... DON'T go shopping the day before Thanksgiving, because it's a mad-house. But, I made that mistake today and it's too late anyway.
BUT. What I can do, since some of you have asked, is give you guys some tips on how to avoid overdoing it at Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow!
1. Remember that it's a Holiday, and it's OKAY to have a little bit of a treat. In fact, MizFit says it's okay to go for it and enjoy yourself, so if you don't feel like stressing out, skip the next 7 things I'm going to say and
visit her blog for some other good tips for Turkey Day! (Everyone should do that anyway.)
2. Remember that a little bit of a treat is something like one piece of pie. Not the WHOLE pie. Pumpkin is the healthiest option, as opposed to apple, cherry or mincemeat. :)
3. Keep in mind the plate trick: Fill half your plate with salad, 1/4 with meat, 1/4 with starch. For me I do stuffing because it's my favorite. If you want a taste of everything, do tiny portions of each (stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes) but don't go past that 1/4 of your plate.
4. White meat is leaner than dark meat, and don't eat the skin! :)
5. Don't forget to drink lots of water.
6. Pass on the Eggnog. Just one 8 ounce serving of regular Eggnog has around 343 calories! If you can't say no, drink a lite Eggnog, and only fill up the glass half-way. Then fill the remaining half of the glass with skim milk. You'll get the taste of the egg nog and you won't overdo the liquid calories.
7. Eat a little bit before you go to dinner so you won't be tempted to overdo it.
8. When you're doing the horderves ahead of time, stick to raw veggies, take it easy on the dip and go for lean meats like turkey.
Don't forget about your pets. Give them a special treat or a funny hat or something.

Smoke a pipe or drink some coffee! Okay, that's not exactly healthy, but I can't say not to do it if you wanna do it.

Drink in moderation. Your family is watching, people.

And above all,remember to have fun, and that it's okay to be cheesy! It's the holidays! Hug people. Tell your family and friends you love them. Wear a terrible sweater if you want to. Play with the kids. Shave off your beard to only show a really awful mustache. Okay, well don't do that one, but ...Live it up!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!