Sunday, November 8, 2009

Five pounds of poop.

Apparently I have been eating lead or rocks or something, 'cause I weighed in at 180.6 on Friday and I weighed in at 185 this morning. I'm not pre-period. What the hell could weigh so much? Apparently I'm retaining water.

Okay. I drank some pumpkin beer and had cheese and crackers yesterday. Other than that, it was a pretty normal day. Does beer solidify once it hits your colon? What else did I eat... I had a big bowl of cereal for breakfast. I had a chicken onion 6" sub and some chicken noodle soup for lunch. The cheese and crackers was for dinner. Oh, no... wait. It was a baked potato with margarine and salsa. Seriously, that's all I had. Could it honestly be that I have almost five pounds of food still in my stomach/intestines? I've never weighed poop before. That just seems ridiculous.

I'm pretty serious about this, you guys. I didn't poop yesterday so this has to be it. Unless you can gain five pounds in two days. ...I'm drinking some Starbucks coffee in about an hour, so that should help ...things along.

I need to go buy salad. I haven't had salad in like, a week.

...I share too much with you people. Maybe this should have been a TMI Thursday.



Anonymous said...

Don't worry, that is perfectly normal. I wrote a post a while ago where I said that I weighed myself one day. I was feeling a bit full but I did it. The next morning I weighed myself again and I had less 6 pounds. 6 pounds! Overnight. It's completely crazy I think. But it happens.

Try weighing yourself only once or twice a week and that way you won't see these differences and it'll probably be better that way because you won't be so upset by the number!

superrawgirl said...

It's probably a poop/high salt combo. Sounds like you had a lot of salty foods. Could be water retention. Good luck with that. Poop on sister.

vee said...

I am thinking water retention. Do you also check the salt content in your foods?

nic said...

Cheese, crackers and soup all contain large amounts of sodium. As does bread. That, paired with the beer, could easily be holding everything up inside you causing the scale to show a bloated number.

Drink a bunch of water today and I bet by Tuesday you're back down.

NJ said...

Don't despair! Just drink loads of water today. Eat normally and I'm sure in a couple days everything will be back to normal.

Suburban Princess said...

You had a lot of carbs and for every gram of carb you eat it hangs onto 4 grams of water...drink that coffee, take care of pooping and drink LOTS of water today - it will be gone tomorrow.

Sharon said...

HAHAHAHAAA!!! I've been there, don't worry, it'll all "pass through" and you'll be back to where you need to be! Coffee, salad, flax seed, carrot juice, even a cigarette (which I normally would never advocate, but if you're backed up, it works), or a good crisp apple will get things moving along quite nicely.

Good luck!

Sharon said...

Actually, forget the cigarette - carrot juice with celery and apple will get it going the best!

Unstoppable Spirit said...

Have you considered Nutritional Cleansing? It has helped me a lot in all kinds of problems including weight issues. I could give you more info if you are interested.

nancy said...

Daddy & I go to all you can eat soup & salad 3 times a week. Sometimes I find I get tired of the same old spinach, veges no dressing plate-full for lunch and so I'll have a plate full of fruit and it actually kick-starts me better than salad. Lots of water and a good long walk should get you going.

Love you!!!!!!!


Christy said...

Agreed that it's probably the sodium and extra carbs.

Ashley S said...

Of course, I can't stay on topic! I just want to know... was the pumpkin beer good? It sounds really good! lol*

Becca55 said...

too much sodium girl!!

English Rose said...

But if you didn't share all your crazy stuff? What would we read? WHERE would we go? ha ha
Don't freak out! I have been known to weigh a couple of pounds more after a meal...frightening'll zip right back down in a minute, trust


This Little Girl Dreams... said...

LOLLLLL you are too funny. It probably is. Our bodies are so freakin' weird. Yesterday I was weighing myself and it seemed to be a bit more so I peed a river then voila it was what I wanted it to be lol.

jddc.trains said...

Stumbled along your blog while looking for photography blogs. Keep it up, good work.

I haven't read all the, so not sure if anyone said it already. Apparently They (whoever They are) say that you should try to weight yourself in the same time frame daily, that gives you more consistent results. It's what I heard from friends and co-workers who are on diets and stuff.



Jen said...

Of course, at your point in the journey, you probably know all the sodium, water retention, drink a ton of water to get back on track, blah blah blahs of it. But you also just got back from Denver... flying definitely does weird water-retentive things to your body.
Love love love your blog!!

Sasha Carr, Ph.D. said...

Love the title! But yes, like others have said here I'm sure it's a fluid retention thing. Drink water, water and more water.

~Kristen~ said...

As I was reading this I kept thinking that maybe you should have saved it for TMI Thursday. hehe

Drink more water and it'll help you flush your system out. That and the cheese can make it harder to expel so you might want to not eat as much in the future, lol.

Hope you're feeling better soon :-)

Unknown said...

Hi, the weight you have gained, other than the fat you eat, is water weight from all the sodium you took in. Add water (your beer, your soup) now the sodium has something to hold onto... there is your water weight, nothing a nice sweating can’t handle

Good luck


Dawn Dishes It Out said...

This is why I read your blog. 'Cause you say the stuff we are all thinking! This poop situation has probably happened to the best of us! Lots of water & roughage girlfriend, that'll flush it right out! Poop on ...

Anonymous said...

mmmm. pumpkin beer.

C said...

I read lots of posts like this and they crack me up- a gallon of water weighs 8 lbs....of course you do not usually drink a gallon at once, but a few 8 oz glasses and you see my point... excretion, perspiration.... no one has the exact same weight for 24 hours. Also, try this with your scale- stand on one foot, then on the other...with a lot of scales, if you are not really balanced, you will get different numbers.

Amanda said...

definitely not worth stressing over. sounds like a combo of a lot of salt/water retention. one time i had a really naughty night food wise and wound up gaining 4 ugly pounds the next day but they all went away within a day again. those pounds will just slide right off, never fear!

Tonja +Jere + Kids said...

lol i would recommend diet green tea, it helps things along just fine! but do it on a day you have absolutely nothing else to do...

Unknown said...

I definitely gain/lose five pounds every day. And I eat less than any average person. I don't get it either.

Unknown said...

Try some prunes!

Unknown said...

Fiber is your friend.

quillaume202 said...

do not worry EX HOT GIRL

QUILLAUME is praying for you.

more water.

your philipino writer

Michele said...

I agree w/the others, drink bunches of water, eat your veggies and watch the sodium today. Once you..umm..take care of business you'll be fine. ;)

Cole Walter Mellon said...

Sodium can swing my weight in a big way. I'd just try to drink all the water you can for the next couple of days and try to flush it all out of your system.

Pumpkin beer? You ARE in the holiday spirit.

Have a great week, Jenn.

twinkelydots said...

Have a raw apple or 2. Fiberlicious! And empty colon is a very happy colon.

Coach Rollie said...

Hydration level fluctuation is one of the reasons I have my clients measure their progress with more than just the scale.

kimert said...

I so feeling like this is my life right now! Lose 3 lbs, eat great for days on end, chose one day to cheat (eating stuff like crackers and cheese and calling that cheating!!) and then gain 5 lbs with no explanation. It is just not fair. But just so you know.. I totally get it. Now go poop! ;)

Geeta said...

I think it's so cute that your mom left a comment :)

CC said...

This happens to me all the time, with like 2-3 pounds. I will worry and fret about it, and then one day, usually after I have slipped and ate whatever, the pounds disappear. It's annoying!

Rachel said...

Echoing what everyone else has said! I'd go with the 180.6 and call it a day! 185? What 185? ;)

It could be hormones too--it could be a gazillion different things. But just keep doing what you're doing, and no need to save anything for TMI Thursday--write what's on your mind! That's why you have over 1700 followers!


Greta from said...

I hope everything came out

carla said...

and you ve totally gotten me sucked in and fretting about you :)
is everything....moving in the right direction?!

julie said...

I can gain that in one day, just add soy sauce/msg/pms. I don't even bother with the scale if I haven't pooped.

M.P. Skelletree said...

Grapefruit & water!