I got a ton of comments from you guys on my last post. Thanks so much for all your opinions, input and suggestions. I did notice, however, that nobody suggested the "Amputee Diet," and I'm a little disappointed. I really believed at least SOMEONE out there had tried chopping off a leg at some point. That's, like, a guaranteed way to lose at least 30 or 40 pounds or something. Okay, I have no idea how much a leg weighs, and I guess it depends on how much YOU weigh, but you get the idea.
Today I want to start by showing you guys how the weight loss thus far has changed my face. I can't explain how happy it makes me to see CHEEKBONES! Please excuse the terrible webcam photos. ;)
August 8th, 2009 to today:
December 2008 to today:
And now I realize that I SERIOUSLY need to pluck my eyebrows. This is just disgraceful:
I also know how easy it is to skim over and read quickly through blog entries. I do it myself (guiltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!) so I'd like to point out a few things from my last entry that apparently went unnoticed by a few of you guys. :)
1. I have worked with a personal trainer.
2. I have eaten a very, very balanced diet with all the suggested things your body needs and wants to be a fat burning, fueled machine.
3. I have done cardio heavy workouts.
4. I have done cardio plus strength training.
Yeah, I have rocked the weights, and even tried this torture device, otherwise known as "Gravity.":
I will also add that I've done a TON, TON, TON of research on nutrition. I didn't go to school for it, and I haven't worked with a nutritionist, but I know a LOT about it. I've modified and adjusted my diet with great precision (crunched the numbers, worked the ratios, tracked, tracked, tracked) and tried each type of eating plan, giving it three to five months. Low carbohydrate just works best for my body. I believe (and many of you commented) that people are all different. I don't believe in a one plan fits all idea. I do think it would be interesting to go see a nutritionist, so I'll think about that one. :)
Also, it appears that a few of you guys might have gotten the impression that I'm looking for a quickfixinstantresults type of plan. Nope... I'm just really interested in all the crazy fads people have tried. And the Diet Coke and crackers just sounds hilarious. In all seriousness, I would try this one just to say I tried it. Nobody has given me these details. I'm about to go stuff myself with saltines just to try to figure it out on my own.
So! It's time for some Q&A:
Q: Is Zumba fun?And now, I'm going to list some reader suggestions here. I'm not going to direct link, so copy and paste / look into it at your own risk. I'm condensing the info you could find by going through the comments, but don't take these as my personal recommendation. Okay, disclaimer over.
A: Hell yeah. It's like... if you ever won a bet or proved someone wrong and did a goofy dance, it's like that, but doing it for an hour. It's a total blast!
Q: Dear sweet baby J, how did you get that perky ass just by doing Atkins?! No squats or anything??!
A: I've always had a badunkadunk. I can't explain it, but I've totally got an apple bottom.
Tracking sites:
-Daily Plate on Livestrong.com (I've used this, it's great.)
-Weight Watchers
-South Beach
-Blood Type Diet
Other suggestions:
-See a nutritionist.
-Read 'Eat To Live' by Joel Furhamn
-Do the treadmill for 1/2 hour a day.
-Walk for an hour a day.
-Eat a cottage cheese and asparagus lunch. (Love this... I always have fat free cottage cheese and asparagus in my fridge. I usually boil water, then put the asparagus (with the thick bottom end cut off) in the water and boil it for about 3-5 minutes, until it's tender and easily pierced with a fork. And I love the low fat string cheeses.)
-Cut what you eat in half to shrink your stomach.
-Hide your temptation food in the trunk of your car so you have to run out in public and risk looking like a crazy person each time you really, really need to eat it. (My favorite and the funniest suggestion.)
That's it for today. Tomorrow I'm going to do a post on The Biggest Loser and their crazy crazy craziness.
Oh yeah, have I mentioned I love you guys? 'Cause I do. **smooch!**