Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pink Feet.

Well, it could have resulted in pink feet, but this Bride and Groom were fearless. They jumped right in! The Milwaukee Art Museum is doing a Breast Cancer race tomorrow, and we just happened to go there for their off-site wedding shots. What a buncha troopers I had!

Best wedding day ever, people. Click here for more photos!


Lady Mel said...

What does the pink waterfall represent? an orgasm O.o

BLOGit said...

this is so beautiful. i hope to have as much fun as them on my wedding day. awesome job!

bloggingforliving said...

wow great pictures! hope I can cover another pre-nup as well. I'll follow this good to see blogs and pictures!

M said...

OMG! I feel like I always say the same thing but these pictures that you take always seem to capture some kind of innocence.


J said...

I love this picture sooo much, I think its the angle and the drastic contrast of the pink on his tux and her white dress!!!

Nανєєη said...

awesome pic ... love this pic :)

Anonymous said...

STUNNING. Makes me want to get married all over again so you can capture the way I felt that day.

NJ said...

Fantastic picture. They look like the rest of the world doesn't exist!

Pat said...

Great pic..

rachaelgking said...

That's freaking AWESOME.

Unknown said...

love love love it! what a fantastic photo! the pink is too much fun!

amabel said...

wow...just wow. beautiful!

Kim Ayres said...

Wonderful photo :)

Geeta said...

What a positively perfect & perfectly pink photo!!

Anonymous said...

how amazing is the church they were married in?? wow! All of those pictures are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great photos and awesome blog! i'd love to add you to my blog as a follower.

Anonymous said...

That is one of the coolest photos that I have ever seen. You are wonderfully brilliant. Excellent blog. I really enjoyed reading it.

Annabelle said...

Your pictures are beautiful. This couple seemed really fun!
I'll admit after seeing this one, I went to your other site. I must have been spent hours browsing through your photography. You are extremely talented.

LiberatedButterfly said...

lovin' the pic! i think you would like my blog,

Mary said...

Pink feet are better than cold feet on a wedding day! LOL
You are so talented! Great photos, great blog!

Ashley Kay said...

That was beautiful!

Ashley Kay

Ashleigh said...

What fun...what luck!

Hannah said...

Your photography is wonderful. I checked out your website and I love the way you use color and your composition. Everyone seems to be part of something special. I'm not photography buff, but I like yours. :)

Jan said...

Fabulous !

couchSpud said...

Wow, that is so cool! I wonder how they did coloring? lol.

Dawn Dishes It Out said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!!

Erin said...

Your photos are amazing. I'm sure this is hidden somewhere in the archives, but how did you get to be a professional photographer? I'll have to go searching and see if you mention it somewhere. :) I'd love to get into photography more.

Marilee said...

Stunning!!! I just found your blog and totally linked to it from mine. You make me giggle!

K said...

Amazing, but I hope her dress wasn't stained. ;o)

Dwacon said...

The fountain is a bit Freudian... as others have noted...

Noorul Ameen said...

ரடு...very suprised to see tamil words as your logo or brand name. Did u realise its a tamil words or just used it as fancy fonts??

By the way u have funky blog =)


ISketch Blog said...

is that fountain spewing out kool aid? Because that would be so rad.

Nomad said...

This is awesome...!!!