I can't believe it. I am Blogger's Blog of Note today!

I'd like to thank the Academy.
I'd like to thank Blogger for featuring me... Holy crap, thank you!
I'd like to thank all my new visitors and friends... hopefully you have as much fun as we do in the weightlossosphere.
Now, don't despair. I don't only talk about calories and fat pants. I'm a huge fan of John Mayer, I love food, travel, life, and The Office. I'm obsessed with music. I have a collection of stuffed pigs and I shave my arms. I think PETA is a bunch of assholes, and I am addicted to Diet Coke. I try to keep it interesting.
So! If you want to catch up, here are a few links for you to check out:
Photos depicting my near-high weight of 220, and my current loss photos down to 189.
More photos on my skinny ass as a kid, and my Ex Hotness.
A bit of a history on how this started.
A reminder of why I'm a lunatic, and how I got fat in thefirstsecond place.
My thoughts on Fat Acceptance, and why I generally think it's got to be a bunch of crap.
Oh! And click here to see my website, which will explain why you'll see lots of photography stuffs if you scroll through my entries. I'm a wedding photographer by day and a NINJA by night. (Okay, not a real ninja... I just wear all black to weddings.)
And I'll end this with a pretty photo I took roundabouts 3:30 this morning when I talked Dan (my boyfriend) into sneaking down to the train tracks with me when it was realllly foggy out. :)

Thank you all for stopping by... I'm overwhelmed. :)
~Jenn (Ex Hot Girl)
You're amazing and so inspiring! I'm so happy I've found your blog. Keep up the great work!
Congrats on Blog of Note !
Lovely wedding photography (almost wish I were getting married)
Actually, no that's a lie (the wishing I were getting married part).
I must say, I'm super glad you made it to the Noteworthy Blogs. I probably never would have found you if you didn't. I have been battling my weight for quite some time now (I,too, used to be hot) and have recently been diagnosed with PCOS. Here's to a new lifestyle...
Oh my gosh! Based on your one-entry description of yourself, I think we are long lost friends. Somehow. Can't wait to read all about your adventures!!! Good choice, Blog Of Noters.
Congrats on the Blogs of Note - I got it a couple of weeks ago - just remember to keep doing what you've always been doing :)
Congrats!, I think I'd need a new pair too;). I've enjoyed checking out your blog, really well written and great pictures!
Wooohooo! Congrats Jenn!!!!! Now the rest of the world is seeing what it is we see in you ...
Congrats! And damn that's a beautiful pic!
congrats on Blog of Note! yay!!
Hi! I just found your blog through the Blogs of Note. Congratulations on being named! I can guarantee you that my blog will never, ever be named there. XD
I really like your blog and you seem to be a lovely, inspirational person. After I had my baby, I had a hell of a time losing the weight. I turned to drugs to do it, and I'm not proud of it. I'm glad you're able to do it the right way...
Oh, and that picture at the end of this post... GORGEOUS! It looks like a level out of a Splinter Cell video game with the lighting the way it is. (And with what they've done with the lighting in those games and for game graphics in general, that is most definitely a compliment.)
What a great blog...and congrats on your both the weightloss and on your Blogs of Note. I will be following your progress! Brava!
The Wannabe Guru
What a cool surprise!
I'm so excited for you - for Blog of Note, for the weight loss, everything! Get ready to watch your hits go through the roof and enjoy every single minute.
i didn't check the photos but your blog seems to be interesting and different, good job.
Love your blog--your photography is awesome:)
And good for you setting up goals and following them!
Hi there,
just tumbled on your blog when logging in and I thought it'd be polite to leave a quick note to you... So congrats on Blog of Note and everything else you've achieved so far. That's a nice little blog you have here :)
Ok girlie, I officially love you! And your blog :)
Congratulations on the well deserved recognition. I love reading your blog and seeing your photos.
I'll be able to say I knew her when ..
Wow, you sound a lot like my mom. She's a photographer/editor who loves music, idol, Office, and has major weight swings. She once blogged a John Mayer concert for aol.
I'm only 10.5 pounds, so I've never had to deal with that, but I am a photographer myself! Nice morning photo. I love taking photos on my morning walks.
You are awesome! Congratulations on the Blog of Note! This is my first visit here and I'll be back! Good luck on your weight goal, you look great!
Congratulations! ^.^
Check out my blog yall.
Hey way to go!
Shameless plug.
any idea how you go to be a blog of note?
...i invite you to join globalove think tank...and come see my photo blog www.lettucepreyfourwhirledpeas.blogspot.com
I'm so glad that you're blog is on the Blogs of Note list! I think there's a reason I was led to your blog.
I've never been "skinny." Not even in high school. But, my senior year, I did get down to a size 10.
Now, I'm a size... I don't even want to know. I've gained about 40 lbs. since high school.
I'm at the point of where I want to start taking care of my body and lose the gut. But I have no idea what to do. Where to start. Anything. I'm so lost.
But I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog. Let's me know its possible. =) And I know you probably are a busy person but, even if you could help point me towards the right direction, that would be great. =)
Congratulations, you're fun.
I'm another one who found your AWESOME blog on Blogs of Note, and I am so glad I did. I have been reading through your posts for the past couple of hours and I swear that I could have written some of them myself. I am struggling to lose all this extra weight and get back to being my skinny self, but it is such a struggle. You have inspired me to really get back on track and do better!
Heyy great job and good luck with everything! I hope you will take a look at my blog sometime! its all about how to have unique travel experiences without spending a lot of money
Hey Jennifer, ya PETA has gotten why out of hand but I did think you may like this:
Jenn, hot girls are those who step outside their comfort zone and make things happen - so you're not an 'ex hot girl', you're very definitely a CURRENT hot girl!
Health ftw.
I love your profile pic, you're gorg ;)
I gasped when I noticed you were on blogs of note, that's awsome, you sound like me going at 3 am haha
Congrats...So glad I found you on the blogs of note.. Congrats. Good luck with your journey...Love the photography as well!
thank you for checking out my blog. :) I look forward to yours as well! ^.^
Hi Jenn,
So glad to find your blog. Judging from the amount of effort you have put into it and the great content you certainly deserve the Blog Of Note nod. I have so many common interests I won't go into, but suffice it to say I look forward to reading you and following up with your inspiring progress. Congrats!
Hello. I found your blog in the Blogs of Note and I must say you have beautiful eyes. If I have those eyes, I wouldn't care about my weight at all. But congratulations on your weight loss!
Well done on blogs of note !
You have all my support Jenn
Btw, a truly hot girl is one with an attitude
Cheers from The Daily Blog
congrats on becoming Blog of note
love your blog ... beautiful DP !!
Congradts. And looks like you got a huge fan base and followers. I honestly haven't done anything with my blog for over a year since I created it but I'm getting into it now. I hope I get as much success as you have. What's yer secret? ;)
Super blog....well done...
wow! congrats!
I friggin love that blogs of note has recognized a hilarious and ridiculous gal. I look forward to stalking you.
Why is diet soda so addicting?
Check out this blog:
Thank you xoxo
I do enjoy your blog. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Diet Coke. And I hate Peta. I think you're a great photographer.
Congrats of blogs of note! You're inspiring me to cast my wordy-net a little further and try to scale new heights of eclecticism.. and I should probably try to stop mixing my metaphors while I'm at it :)
Congratlulations & Celebrations.
Congrats, dear! I actually found you through Sandra, who was kind enough to mention us as her favorite funnies. I'm glad she did so I could find ya! :-)
WOW! What an amazing photo!
You know i normally don't comments on any of the blogs of note...I usually just don't really get what was so good about them. But your line about Peta and the fact that you are losing weight something I am doing drew me in.
Nice blog, you deserve it and congratualations on your weight loss, kudos to you-its incredably hard isn't it? I need to do it too and fast. Well done again for gaining your accolade:)
Congratulations and I love your academy speech! LOL!
Congrats!! Your blog is very entertaining. I will be keeping up with your posts.
Where did you get the 3D image of your current and past weights that you have in the left sidebar?
So cool - congrats! I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog and am going to become a follower!
I am glad also that you have been spotlighted because I would have never found you. I am a plus size beauty who is trying to loose some weight to feel better but I am at a plato right now. Maybe I can learn something new from you. hugs for you.
Hi - congrats on blog of note. I've been doing 'projectforty' on and off to lose a bit of weight and generally feel better. Wish I'd taken photos...not brave enough.
love the blog and have bookmarked already.
I clicked on your "noted blog" started to read and so happy I did. Great stuff, made me laugh...and I can relate. Congrats on the being "noted" and thanks for the pics it's caused me to want to get married all over again! You live close enough it's possible- very talented indeed!
Hey!! I am an ex-hot girl too!! My baby did me in... I am going to join your fan club and maybe I can gain some tips and inspiration!
I would love if you would check out my blog! I am going through a lot too, although I need to gain weight. But I just started my blog and would LOVE to get some readers. It's really more like my diary...I'm THAT honest. Yeah, that's right.
Congrats on the featured posting. But why did you bury the tidbit about you shaving your arms in the list of other characteristics. That is something that should be featured. Are you really that hairy? Or is it some weird fetish?
keep it up homeslice
I've never even looked at the Bloggers of Note until today (I'm pretty new to this) and I must say that you saying that Peta is a bunch of assholes made my day entirely!
I've loved looking at your photography, especially your wedding photos. You've got beautiful style, and capture some of the best moments! Glad I checked your blog out. :)
you're like famous and shit... go you!!!
congrats.. =)
I found you today since your posted as a blog of note....great blog.If I could just say its so simple to lose weight no one would believe me but its true.Just eat RIGHT!Whole grain everything, pasta bread etc.Fat free milk, lots of fruit and water.You can eat often with eating good.If you eat that way and succed you can even have brownies for a big snack as well.I have elarned this over the years it didnt come easy for me either.But Im older now the girls are grown Im a nurse as well.Dont think that helps much but just thought I would say.My husband died 7 years ago young.I had 6 years ago Thyroid cancer.So everyone has their stuff if you will.Oh Im writing a book,lol see you again!
Wonderful photography and I love your blog. Thank you for sharing! I've also started a blog recently... come visit if you will.
thank you so much for commenting and replying to my question but...network? you mean I have to make friends? damn I was so hoping to avoid that. :D jk, I'll try it thank you. I'll visit by your blog often and learn what I can
Ok so I'm a bit late with the congrats. But Congratulations anyway and Best wishes for the future.
Congrats on the Blog of Note; that's awesome! Love the train track photo!!! SO haunting
What a great blog to find :)
Definitely deserve being featured... & it's wonderful that you realize you want/need to be hot for YOU. What you consider hot, not what some magazine tells you is hot...
Very motivating... in fact, after this comment I think I'll quit blogging for now so I can go for my run :))
Thanks!! :))
Good for you
: )
as if the name of the blog alone wasn't good enug. mazel tov....
your photography...
wow scoob.
i like you so beautiful
i love your blog. just found it through blogs of note. awesome name for a blog too =)
yes! this is how i found you!
definitely one of my goals for the year.
I just found your blog today, and i love it! Keep up the great work :)
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