Sunday, September 27, 2009

Anorexic Lessons

I wanted to do a little blogadoodle about a movie I saw recently. Have any of you seen "Disfigured"? It's a movie about women and weight. I had not really heard about it until I decided to do a search on The Biggest Loser contestants and which ones had gained weight back, who decided to become a motivational speaker (Umm, all of them?) and so on. I found a bit of information about Ryan Benson who won the first season of The Biggest Loser. He was in this film, and so I decided to check it out. Any of you who have Netflix can watch it streaming for free, so you should do it.

Aside from the quality of the film (focus issues, production, etc...) it was pretty good. I think it was damn honest about women and the way they feel about their weight. It goes into a relationship between the main character (a fat girl) and an anorexic chick who tries to join a Fat Acceptance group the main character is in. The relationship between the two of them is really interesting, and made the movie hellainteresting.

Okay, I'm gonna spoil the plot a little bit here, because there is a part in the film I absolutely loved. If you don't want to know, just stop reading here. *Oh, and if you're sensitive about eating disorders, take it with a grain of salt because this is half in telling you about the movie, and half in me joking while fully understanding the severity of eating disorders in this country.

The fat girl sits down with the anorexic girl and asks her for "Anorexic Lessons." This is awesome. It's awesome because I've SO been there. If you've been overweight, I'm pretty sure you wished at some time in your life that you just didn't want to eat. Or that you had no interest in food, or that you had somehow painlessly burned your taste buds off. I personally wish food all tasted the same so I didn't care what I was eating. Then I could nosh down on a bag of iceberg lettuce and feel like I was eating chocolate cake, or something. So, check the movie out if this kind of thing interests you, or if you want an insight into the way weight affects women in their lives, whether they're visibly struggling with eating issues or not. (on a side note, you can also check out this blog: Every woman has an eating disorder.)

Oh! And the other thing I wanted to tell you about was my two new bestest friends. This blog thing has been so nuts (over 22,000 hits on my blog on Friday, much?) --- and it's afforded me the awesome opportunity to meet new and fabulous bloggers around the world.

Miss Marilee dedicated an entire blog entry to me. I almost died when I saw it, and now I want to cover her whole body in chocolate pudding and lick it off in a fit of happiness.

Lilu over at Live it, Love it is hilarious and makes me nearly pee myself every time I read her blog. Go read her stuff, NOW.

That's all for now, pumpkins. I have lotsa photo editing to get to, and rum and Diet Coke to drink. Hopefully I don't start selectively coloring every single photo in a fit of drunken rebellion. Must not screw up photo editing.

Oh, and if any of you:

1. Find out a way to burn off taste buds
2. Know where you can get Anorexic lessons
3. Or know where to find insta-thin machines, a-la-Steve Urkel...

...Let me know.

Watch from the 3:00 mark to see what that means:


Geeta said...

Hmm, there was a tough-weight-time with me where I actually took note of the methods one girl used to stay thin in a movie and put them into practice... weren't exactly the healthiest... I go about weight management in better ways now... but it's an interesting part to point out in the movie, because as you said, it could very easily be a true situation.

Happy editing! Go easy on that rum! :))

Cole Walter Mellon said...

Wow, I'm so happy for you with the success that Blogs of Note mention has gotten you. This is a fantastic opportunity.

The Cherry Tree said...

Hello. I came across your blog while updating my own on Blogger. It seems pretty interesting, especially this entry. I'd like to share my opinion, as someone who has been trying to lose weight (main goal: flat stomach, killer abs) for a long time now.

It would seem like the easy way out but I don't think I have to tell you that anorexia is not the solution. I've never been anorexic myself but being the lazy shit I was (& still am, sometimes), I took to dieting & dieting alone. I ate nothing but muesli bars, salad & cereal for a few months & all I got was a rumbling tummy & not much weight loss.

To cut a long story short, you don't have to burn off your taste buds, become anorexic or wish for an insta-thin machine. I know you're probably just kidding but I thought I might share that a combination of a healthy diet & exercise regime is the best way to go.

I've been visiting the gym three to five times a week since May this year & it's really paying off, so you might want to get yourself a gym membership somewhere convenient & lose the weight you want to. :)

Oh & as for that blog, Every Woman Has an Eating Disorder? Not true at all.

Hope I've helped in some way or another!

The Cherry Tree said...

Hello. I came across your blog while updating my own on Blogger. It seems pretty interesting, especially this entry. I'd like to share my opinion, as someone who has been trying to lose weight (main goal: flat stomach, killer abs) for a long time now.

It would seem like the easy way out but I don't think I have to tell you that anorexia is not the solution. I've never been anorexic myself but being the lazy shit I was (& still am, sometimes), I took to dieting & dieting alone. I ate nothing but muesli bars, salad & cereal for a few months & all I got was a rumbling tummy & not much weight loss.

To cut a long story short, you don't have to burn off your taste buds, become anorexic or wish for an insta-thin machine. I know you're probably just kidding but I thought I might share that a combination of a healthy diet & exercise regime is the best way to go.

I've been visiting the gym three to five times a week since May this year & it's really paying off, so you might want to get yourself a gym membership somewhere convenient & lose the weight you want to. :)

Oh & as for that blog, Every Woman Has an Eating Disorder? Not true at all.

Hope I've helped in some way or another!

Kristen said...

I don't know about that urkel contraption but apparently my dad's brothers and sisters found that machine where you stand and had a belt around you and it "shakes" the pounds off from the mid 20th century. What were people thinking?

Dawn Dishes It Out said...

Once again, thanks for your honest blogging!! I can't wait to check out the flick.

M said...

Oh cool, I cant wait to read your blog recommendations! Im so jealous that you get to do some "photo editing" Seems so hilarious! I want to send you a disposable camera and see the pics you take with it!

I think I heard someone talking about that movie. Im not sure though--was there a line in it where the heavier girl asks the skinnier girl what she thinks of her and the skinny girl says that the fat girl disgusts her?

605 followers, girlie, DAMN! More pics, more pics!

Ashton Dene' said...

I saw your blog from the Blog of Note and it totally enocouraged me to start my own weightloss blog, so thank you for that.

I think this post is great...and I totally relate. Thanks for sharing even if it is a bit controversial or out's your blog and your stories to share.

x, ash

Joan Crawford said...

Congratulations on your Blog of Note! Thanks for being so honest with your writing. I think one of the hardest things for a person to say is "I'm Fat".
Speaking of eating disorders:(this story is graphic) I had a friend in high school who was picked on mercilessly for being overweight. She rapidly lost ALL of it and was the toast of the school. One day I found 2 tupperware containers of vomit in the back of her closet. She would hide them throughout the day and flush them at night :(
the ironic thing is, she learned to do this from an anti-anorexia show we watched in class.

Reality Asylum said...

I feel like I gained a lot more weight once I admitted I was fat, but I didn't beat myself up about it as much. Right now, i'm 70 pounds above my normal weight (I've worked for Starbucks for 2 years - a lot of free drinks and extra pastries at the end of the night will do that to you.)

With that said, being "fat" only affects you socially if you have a fat girl mentality. Other people respond mostly to how you carry yourself, fat or thin.

Curvy Girl said...

I love your blog. You totally crack me up.

Christine said...

I used to check pro ana websites for diet tips....but when I got to 'stuff a piece of bread in a glass of water, mush it up and drink it' I realized that I, fat girl extraordinaire, would never be an anorexic.
Diet and exercise it

Sabrina said...

I don't think this counts as anorexic lessons but there were about 3 or 4 months when I basically just stopped eating unless I absolutely had to. The reason I did it was because I had been dumped and I had this idea in my head that I was just never good enough for the guy and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Not eating was a way to kind of "fix" myself, I guess. It was easy to give up food since I was heartbroken and depressed. Food = loser that got dumped.
I dropped down to 117 lbs and for my height (5'7") that's really scary. I started getting over the guy though and I could start eating a little bit as long as it was exactly what I wanted and I could only eat to the point where I wasn't hungry. If I tried to eat till I was full I'd get nauseas.
I have gotten over my not-eating phase thank God but it took a long time and sometimes when I'm really stressed I won't eat unless the food's already made.

Anonymous said...

I recently posted on Disfigured, too - I LOVED the scene where they are both sitting there laughing about all the stupid things people say to them about their weight. Cracked me up.

As you you!

(If you're interested,the Disfigured post:

Runnergirl said...

JUst found your blog - I've never been slim, but I'm thinner now than I was 11 years ago before I started WW.
I am totally with you, and trying to come to terms with the fact that I won't ever be skinny because I love food. I've spent hundreds over the years on WW membership (which always works), and 2 sorts of therapy (which didn't) and personal trainers (which didn't).

I can only conclude from the therapy that I had that there is no dark abuse hidden in the recesses of my mind, and that will power can never be learnt.

I love food. I am trying to balance that with getting to my goal weight and staying there. It's tough.

I watch my skinny friends eat. They barely touch their food, and given that I take a lot of care and attention over cooking for them when they're over, find that slightly insulting, but I have learnt not to take it personally. They're just not into food in the same way that I am. It's a genetic thing. You can't learn that, without causing a lot of angst and unhappiness if you deny who you are.

Recognise it, but don't suppress it. Everything in moderation. I'm still struggling with the moderation part, but I'll get there.

You look fab, by the way, and well on your way to your weight loss goals! Well done!

Michelle Tressa said...

Hi, stumbled upon your blog. I'm very interested in seeing that movie and will now have to look for it. :) I love your honesty... can I link to you? Can't wait to read more!

rachaelgking said...

What, I don't get any chocolate pudding?!

I kid, I kid. I also lick your face.

That got weird.

InnerMedley said...

That movie looks interesting. I'll have to check it out.

Thanks for swinging by my blog! Thanks for the comment on my background...I had just changed it about an hour before you visited. The background is from HotBliggetyBlog and I made the header.

P.S. You had me cracking up about the Craptastic wedding comment. LOL. Some of my favorite words are "non-words" and sometimes I'm often looked at a little odd. LOL

Anonymous said...

God, I wish I could shrink myself. I know exactly what you mean about wishing you didn't want food etc. After my knee surgery on Monday I'm starting my own weight loss goals etc. Love the blog, so happy I found it!

English Rose said...

The thing Kristen (earlier comment) was talking about is a Power Plate - we have them at my gym they're soooo cool, there's always a queue of women because you just stand there and it like vibrates your fat away. Literally.

My sister was anorexic and my cousin too, and at points when I hit rock bottom sometimes it seems like the only option, so I know you were only kidding but be careful, because it has really screwed up my mind in the past, and it totally ruined my big sisters life in the past. But now she's back on track so it's all good!!

Love your blog, super interesting XXXXX

THE OTHER said...

Reading through your comments i guess i am a little suprised at how many people seem to read only a few lines before commenting and/or don't bother reading older posts. LMAO. People floor me. Anyway, just kind of wandered in a few days ago, and I like your style. When you finally find the trick, be sure to keep it to yourself until you have it patent protected, copywrited, and are sure it will make you supremely rich. (What is the point of being pefectly fit if you don't have millions of dollars to blow on all the pretty little boys that will start chasing you? After all, pretty boys are nice, but would be so much nicer mostly naked on some white sand beach drinking fruity drinks that get you tipsy before you even realize you are drinking alcohol *smile*) Good luck to ya! keep writing so I can keep laughing.

Anonymous said...

First off, I love your blog. You've got a funny way with words, it's great to read :)

Second, believe me, you don't want anorexic lessons! As a closet anorexic..well it sucks, straight up. Normally not an admittance you'd make that casually, but I'm supposed to 5 times a day, some sorta mantra bullshit. Judging by your picture your looking great already, don't jeopardize it :)

Unknown said...

You don't have to get rid of your taste buds -- simply make it painful to eat: Tongue Patch

Ug. I'll take a few extra pounds, thanks.

Unknown said...

i love your style!! i think there is not one damned thing wrong with living life, finding humor where you can. what better place than when youre in the most miserable spot ever - the dining room table.
i have similar experience with my daughter and blog with humor.
who wants dark all the time?
well, maybe emos.
thankfully, emos are fading like iced jeans.
tks for a good read or two...

Natasha said...

If you want anorexia tips google "pro-ana" and you will find tons of information of how to only eat 300 calories a day.

M said...

I'd never heard of that film before, thanks for bringing it up! My roommate and I have both struggled with eating disorders.

This post reminded me of the time that Oprah had a special about anorexia, which talked about websites with tips for anorexic girls, and at the time I thought, damn! I gotta find those websites! Which I don't think is what she was going for. Haha...

Tip: syrup of ipecac. Just kidding!

I think you look healthy and attractive at the weight you're at right now.

Em said...

Hi! I just wanted to note that I think your representation of anorexia is a bit wrong in this post. Anorexics are actually commonly obsessed with food. Some are actually amazing cooks and love to surround themselves with some of the best stuff out there. The emphasis is more on their ability to control the impulse to eat- which is why so many girls suffer from anorexia and bulimia...they will have a slip and feel compelled to purge. Love the blog, PS!

Nomad said...

how did i miss this episode???

its funny when you look back at all the shows we watched when we were younger you pick up on some things that were way too serious for me at 7 years old. Full House is apparently packed with lessons... The only thing I learned was how to have a crush on DJ Tanner.

D said...

And here I thought I was the only one who had watched this movie. It really did feel like a documentary. Great film and yes there was a time I had thought "I wish I had the discipline of an anorexic person." Luckily I decided that healthy smaller portions were best. I am right there with you on your journey. Keep up the good work.