Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Running Report

Hey guys!

So, I went to the gym to do a little running again today! I didn't do a full hour because I got to the gym around 6:15 and The Biggest Loser is on at 7. I mean, I have my priorities. ;)

Here are the numbers:

Walk 6 mins @L3.6
Run 3 mins @L5
Walk 6 mins @L3.4
Run 3 mins @L5
Walk 6 mins @L3.4
Run 3 mins @L5
Walk 6 mins @L3.4
Run 2 mins @L5
Walk 5 mins @L3.4-2.6 (for cool down)


Running time = 11 mins
Walking time = 29 mins
Distance = 2.56 miles
Time = 40 minutes
Calories burned = 436* (35% fat)
Max heart rate = 181 (93%)
Average heart rate = 151 (78%)

SO! This is awesome. Yesterday I did an hour, and only 10 minutes of running. Today I did 11 minutes of running out of 40 minutes total. It's just fabulous. Now, my shins hurt tonight, but I knew I could do more. Today I just pushed for 3 minutes for each running section because I KNEW I could do it. It got tough after the 2 minute mark, but I just kept looking at the time and saying to myself, "Jenn, only 40 seconds, that's nothing. Only 20 seconds. Only 5 seconds!" And then it was over before I knew it.

So! I think I'll stick with this setup for the next week or so and see how I feel. More and more I just feel REALLY good, and I can't wait to go back to the gym to run more. :)


1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow it sounds great that you are pushing yourself in your workouts. I have to try the walking and running intervals like you are doing too. I've always been scared to run on a treadmill!