Tomorrow Dan and I are celebrating our 5 year anniversary and I decided that I needed a nice dress to wear out to dinner. Also since I've lost some weight, I figured it'd be a nice celebration for myself.
I started by going to Torrid, and they had some really cute stuff, but I just wasn't sold on any of their dresses. I ended up walking all around the mall and passing by all the "normal" stores (read: skinny) such as Ann Taylor, Forever 21, White House/Black Market and Express. I ended up at The Boston Store as my last hope. Now I don't know if any of you have tried lately to buy a dress at a department store, but most of what is out there right now is HIDEOUS. I'm no fashionista, but I guess you have to be pretty and thin to pull off most of what's out there. And even then, it would probably look really, really ugly.
So... I found this ONE dress I liked. A black cocktail dress by R&M Richards. Of course, the only size they had was a 12. A commercial, department store, size 12. I'm like, "CRAP!!!..." And then I stood there for a good four minutes with the dress in my hand, looking around me, sweating, (Did I mention shopping makes me sweat? Literally? And I was drinking a cup of coffee too, which was a horrible idea,) and finally saying, "Screw it, I'm trying this dress on." I fully expected to be disappointed when I couldn't zip it up and knew it would depress me, but apparently I was okay with that. I found another cute non-dressy-dress in a 14 and decided to try it on, too. I'd just bought some cute shoes from Payless (BOGO!) and so I had heels to try on with my dress.
I got undressed and slid the dress, unzipped, over my head. At that point it seemed a little form fitting, and I did NOT think I'd be able to zip it up. I reached under my arm and pulled the zipper. You guys, it zipped. IT ZIPPED! Size 12! Holy crap!
I'm so freaking happy. I bought the dress. Here it is! (The model "elbows forward" pose is just for you guys.)

Now, I still am snug in my 14 jeans, so I think it just means that I'm a little smaller on top in the waist area and still bootylicious in my jean bottoms. But... this made my day.
So, I also tried on the other cute size 14 dress, and it was pretty short. It looks rockin' with the new cool boots I got, but in reality I don't feel comfortable dressing in this type of dress yet. And with my super cool, slick sideways skinny-me poses it doesn't look half bad, but dead forward it looks ridiculous:

Obvi, me no likey my arms. :( Oh, and my calves aren't nearly as calvtastic without heels on. Close-up of the cool new purple boots:

Oh! And a woman saw me buying the dress at checkout, asked where I found it and how much it was. I told her it was $69, and she asked if I had a coupon. I said no, and she handed me a 25% off coupon! I thanked her and she disappeared into the racks. I looked at the coupon and it said "Printed for L. Marie."
....Thank you, L. Marie. You saved me $20. I love your face.
And with that, I'm going to leave you all with my most hated photo. I HATE this picture of myself... it was right around Christmas/Thanksgiving time 2008, and I want to burn this picture out of existence. But I'm sharing it. It reminds me how far I've come.

Cute dress and love the shoes! I never find anything cute when I go to Payless...
Congrats on the size 12 :-)
Cute!! It's so funny our weight loss has been so similar. I just bought a size 12 skirt and it was soooo freaking exciting! And my 14 jeans are getting too big. I started about 10lbs lower weight than you, but I think we've lost the same amount. I'm at 173. It feels great! Way to go!
JEN the traditional gift for 5 years is WOOD. Dan and I have been married for going on 7 years (dating for 5 on top of that)...the luisville slugger that I bought him was great for him, but also makes me feel giddy every time I see it cuz I know that back in the day of cavemen, they used it on us and now I "kinda" threw it back to him :)
Happy Anni!!! Luvs the dress - you look super cute and can we have a sisterhood of the purple IFUCKINWANTYOURSHOES? the boots are killer!!!! were they from the BOGO sale too cuz if so Canaduh doesn't have them and I wantie!!!
FYI - I think we are living the same life just in different states...weird yes, true yes...oddly fascinating??? YUP...I am going to eat banana pancakes tomorrow for breakfast, incase you were going to also...
Oh, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Dan! That is awesome!
You look great in both dresses in my opinion. I never de-lurk twice in one week on the same blog (I'm a compulsive lurker), but I had to say I think I just bought those same black heels at Payless last weekend! Yay for cute, comfortable heels at a great price!!
Super wonderfully good looking! I'm glad you had such good luck shopping--it always seems to be a crapshoot...
Happy anniversary. :)
I agree, you look gorgeous in both, but I absolutely love the black dress. Congrats on a 12. I remember when I tried on one last year and it fit.. pre-twins. It's going to be a while before I can get back into it.
You are working it in BOTH dresses!! I love it, you look STUNNING!!!
Happy Happy Anniversary :)
These are both great dresses! I'm so glad you were able to find something. I also went to Torrid last night in search of my costume! They did have some cute dresses in there. BUT, there is a dress in Macy's, not sure if they's have it there that was to die for. I wanted it so BAD. It was a size 14 though, didn't zip up all the way and was $140 (?) or so. I think you would look fabulous in it! Let me see if I can find it online.
I LOVE that feeling! A couple years ago I went to the store and tried on a pair of size 14 pants and they were really baggy. I thought that was how they were supposed to fit. I hadn't realized I had lost so much weight until one of the store employees told me I should try a size 8 or 10. I almost wet myself with excitement.
Of course I've gained it all back and I too am in a 14 currently and am impatiently waiting until I drop to a size 12.
Congrats on getting closer to your goal!
Yayyy happy shopping day for you! Congrats on the size 12, that dress looks awesome on you! And I'm totally digging the new boots. I just bought a new pair at Target tonight, but yours are way cooler. Jealous. Happy anniversary tomorrow! Enjoy dinner!
Does NOT look ridiculous! You look great in both. Happy anniversary! :)
congrats on the 5 year anniversary!
i think both dresses are adorable. the 2nd one is cute!! you should go back and get it :) looks awesome with the boots.
congrats too on the size 12! finding out that you fit in to a smaller size is always awesome!
Congrats on the size 12! Woot! It looks adorable on you. Have a lovely anniversary! :)
YAY! Weight loss celebration shopping is so fun when it works out. Congratulations! As you get the lovely boyf and cute dress, could you sling the boots over my way? Ta. ;P
You look really cute in both dresses! I'm having a hard weekend here in Canada. It's our Thanksgiving. I ate stuff I shouldn't of yesterday and today we are going to my son's fiance's parents for dinner. And then Tuesday night we head to Toronto for 2 days. I think I'll just staple my lips shut.
Isn't that the best feeling in the world?
You are freakin' adorable.
Peace - Rene
Congratulations on 5 years!
Hot damn girl, you look amazing in both those dresses! Well done on the size 12, i'd kill to get into a 12 but unfortunately unless I have a breast reduction I don't think that will ever happen! Infact I think thats what keeps me in a 16 instead of a 14....blah, who cares!
You look great and I hope Dan appreciates it too!
Congrats on the size 12 and the 5th anniversary with your boyfriend. Today would have been our 29th wedding anniversary. BTW, I've lost 40 plus pounds since my wife died. None of this is easy. Keep up the good work. The black dress is cute.
1. I sweat when I shop too.
2. You look great in your new dress. Congrats!
That dress looks fabulous on you!!! Fab-u-lous!
Happy Anniversary! It is such a milestone for girls to fit in a smaller size! WORK IT!!! You look fabulous!
WOW! You are awesome! And that dress is so pretty! Happy 5 years! Oh, and the picture that you put up that you hate, it really is not that bad. You are cute! Love your hair!!! Anyway, good job!
I can't wait to be in the same situation!
My first thought when i saw your pics in the size 12 dress she is petite and has a flat stomach..HONEY you got the world by the balls!! The hard part is were born with that bod and you are rockin it!!
Go out with your badself and have fun!! Happy 5th anniversary!!
What?! You DO NOT look ridiculous in the second one! You look adorable! And btw, I like the second one better, please please please tell me you bought it!
Grats on your 5 years and your new size 12! I'm so happy for you! :D
Shopping makes me sweat too. Not just because of the sheer nervousness of it all, but especially if you are trying on pants. I always feel fat because you have to buy them a size too small and so youre hopping around the dressing room manuevering your body into clothes that HAVE to be too tight. Dreadful.
you look HOT in both of those dresses. love love love.
I even like the picture you hate. But way to go on reaching the goals you've set for yourself. Minus a crazy fondue party last night at my place with liquid cheese and chocolate as far as the eye could see, I'm doing better in my eating plan too.
Thanks for the motivation!!!
Good for you! :)
You look GREAT! Keep at it, you'll reach your goal with no problem. I love that first dress especially. Definitely my style ;)
Happy Anniversary!! :D
And love that black dress and the boot! I think you look great in both short dresses!! You have inspired me to start to lose weight too!! I cant wait!!
Congrats on the size 12!!!! How exciting!!
I think you looked great in the other dress too.
(I sweat profusely when I shop too).
I think you look fabulous! (and I heart your shoes)
Hey, the dress looks really great! =D I completely know the feeling.. I used to be a size 12 & when I fit in a 10 I'm like o_O awesomeee lol.
I just happened to find your blog && I absolutely love reading it. Keep writing<3
Happy Anniversary! You look great in both dresses -- look at your tiny little waist! I hate shopping. It makes me sweaty and nervous and cranky.
You look fabulous in both dresses Jenn. You are an inspiration tome, also trying to lose that bit of weight. I love reading your blog and want you to know that it brightens my day. Stay stunning! Torie
You have hundreds of comments, but I just wanted to say - I LOVE the shoes, and the dress is SEXY. You will soon be Hot Girl again!
Happy Anniversary, and you look absolutely wonderful in BOTH dresses!!! Way to go!!! :)
Loved the first dress that flared and the boots. Totally cute...heartbreaker!!!
You should always try dresses on! Dresses always have their own size. Just because you wear one size in pants doesn't mean that is your dress size.
You look soooo good in the dress! Ever girl needs a little black dress that makes them feel good. I hope you get to wear this one often.
Wow., you look stunning..I love how you posted a picture that you hate, it's one of those things that reminds you why you started in the first place. Im proud of/for you and I will keep up with this blog... Very, truely inspirational. I LOVE IT!
Man, that dress is awesome on you!!! And I LURVE those purple boots.
That RL picture is so whack - whatever they're smoking in that place, I want some!
Congrats!! You look beautiful and those boots are killer.
You look absolutely fabulous!!! Congrats!
Wow, you look super cute in that black dress!!
Don't down yourself, you look awesome!!
Congratz on the 5 years!!
As for the boots...girl, I am so hitting BOGO tomorrow!!!!
After 40 some comments I'm sure you've already this like 40 some odd times; you are too cute!!! Gosh! I can't stand it. You look absolutely fab. I'm a shoe lover who hates payless. They never have my size! Anyway... Congrats on the size 12 issue... I think you looked great in the 2008 pic. I know, I know... But I really do think so! Thanks for the laughs. You are truly appreciated!
Have fun on your anniversary! Get it in!!! Aowwwww!!!
Happy Anniversary. And girl, you are rockin' both of those dresses, but the black one is absolutely adorable!
The last time I went dress shopping, it was in consignment stores and I got a ton of really CUTE dresses. So don't forget the fine consignment stores. Sometimes you can really score some awesome clothing for amazing prices.
Path to Health
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