So, I have nothing new to report, really. I left my blog edit page open all afternoon as I was editing photos and had no idea what to blog about. Well, I had some ideas, but they'll take way longer than the time I ended up with tonight. I have a 10 hour wedding tomorrow, an engagement session at 11am in Madison Sunday, a meeting Sunday afternoon, and a Studio Shoot on Monday! So, I'm going to be busy and busier. I'll definitely post a few updates with some photos for you guys as the weekend progresses, but most likely won't be back to "normal" blogging until Tuesday. :)
With that, here's a picture of me with my latest obsession. My wrist warmer glove thinggies. I type with them on, I smoke with them on, I eat with them on. Dan now refers to me as his homeless girlfriend.

Target. $6.99.Okay, well I'm off to try to go to bed. It's 1:41am and I am supposed to be up at 8am to meet a Bride and her Bridesmaids at the salon for some getting ready photos!
I think it's funny that Dan refers to you as his homeless girlfriend.
The glove definitely seals the deal but you would be newly homeless as evidenced by the nails.
I am in desperate need of a new pair of glove-type things with no fingers so that I can type. My bosses think it's an awesome idea to keep the AC on year-round so I need to dress for the arctic when going to work. I've tried Target but haven't found them. I'll have to look again.
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