You guys are AWESOME! I can't believe the outpouring of support and sweetness from you all. Thank you, thank you for all your kind comments, suggestions, and stories of how you can relate. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who feels that way sometimes. I wish I had time to respond to each and every one of you personally... I try really hard but I just get too busy sometimes. :(
I will say that I signed up for, and also that after I posted the entry yesterday, I got two responses from people in Milwaukee wanting to get together. I'm super excited! Dan and I talked about how sad I was feeling before I heard from those folks, and he came home last night with flowers. I tell you, I'm so lucky to have him!!!
Allllrighty! So, today I shot a golf course wedding. In October. In Milwaukee. That means this Bride and Groom had huge balls, people. That's a gamble at any time of year, but especially in WI. The forecast called for rain, rain, rain, and it's been raining the last two days, so I was really worried. Day of, we had tons of ominous looking clouds, but I didn't feel a single drop. I'm so happy!
Click HERE to check out a bunch of my favorites from the day. :) That link will take you to my photography blog, which you can also follow (at the bottom of the blog) if you're interested in seeing my work as it gets posted. :)

I froze my butt off today. I don't even want to know what it was with the wind chill, but my hands actually HURT from being so cold, and we could all see our breath. One of the bridesmaids described it like this: "I have never known my ankles to shake, but I guess it's possible." So needless to say I really couldn't wait to get home and put on some comfies. I remembered that I had some footie pajamas, but when I got them last year from my Mother, (have you noticed she gets me all the coolest things?) I couldn't fit into them properly because I was too big. I put them on tonight and they fit so nicely! YAY!

I'm sorry for these crappy photos. You guys, I swear I have a full length mirror. I just have NO idea where it is. How do you lose a full length mirror? Seriously! It's not like I can't find a business card or the cat nail clippers (though I can't find those either,) but it's a freaking full length mirror! ... I'm so ridiculous sometimes.
Speaking of weight, I'm not sure how I'll do at weigh in next week. I believe it's that TOM, and I'm feeling bloated. Plus, I have NOT been following my eating plan. (Not in a bad way, it means oatmeal for dinner tonight and I had pasta two days ago, plus wedding food tonight.) We'll see how it goes. I just need to take it easy the next few days.
Love the jammies. It's true us mom's spend hours looking for cool gifts for our kids. In fact I bought the same thing for my daughter but her's are zebra print. She has this zebra print thing. Well it's really a animal print thing with zebra being her favourite. It all started in high school when she wanted to decorate with it. Hopefully it ends soon. Haha.
Glad you've made some new contacts in Milwaukee. Here in Canada we had a mostly beautiful day. One of those perfect fall days where it's almost warm until late afternoon when the rains came.
I just came across your blog so I followed you. Hope you don't mind. I too am an "ex-hot girl" on a weight loss mission to re-claim her hottness!! Lol. Anyhow, we seem to have a lot of the same interests and I was intrigued by your blog.
Dear Ex Hot Girl, I am rather surprised you are trying to lose weight. I am no Oympic gymnast myself, but I do know a slim lady when I see one. You are a slim lady and a beautiful one at that. I wish you well in your regime.
Yours sincerely,
Charles E. Blythe
You take the most amazing photos! I have always wanted to have some beautiful wedding photographs. of course I have always wanted a beautiful wedding, too, and never got that either! (My first wedding I was four months pregnant and looked eight months pregnant, I had to wear a Maternity sundress in baby blue with pink and yellow diamond pattern covering it, and my small heels were sinking in the mud *it had rained all day* so I had to take them off to avoid twisting my ankle.) It doesn't look good for me ever marrying again, so perhaps when I lose the wieght I want to lose, I will just buy *or rent* myself a really fabulous wedding dress and hire you to take some amazing photos for me. I don't HAVE to get married to have beautiful pictures in a lovely white gown, right?
And don't beat yourself up for occasionally slipping off the diet train. It is when I deny myself my cravings that I tend to do the most over eating. If you want something, have it, then get back on track the next day, as long as you don't indulge in everything you want everyday, you are still okay.
Head up, smile on! You are BEAUTIFUL. You are SMART. You are FUNNY. You are special, and kind, and loving and deserving of love, especially from yourself! Never forget that.
That is possibly the coolest pyjama-type-suit I have seen! It looks super warm.
You are lucky having a guy like that, I think we might be two of the few people who grabbed the good guys (my J came home from work the other morning with a flower he had picked on his walk home because "it was pretty like you")
Glad to hear about the friends situation looking up, sometimes all it takes is to let people know how you feel and it can do a world of good :)
Your PJs are intense lol. You should let me borrow them.
Cute PJ's!! You are inspiring me to get back on the weight loss train -- thank you!
I got married in Ireland on a stormy day (also without rain -we were blessed with the pure luck of the Irish I guess) Anyways, it made for GREAT photos! The clouds look awesome in yours as well!
Footy pj's, don't even get me started! I love them! So damn cute!
PS Thanks for following me!
Hey, I'm wearing the exact same PJ's right now. We're twins!
Hi Jennifer!
I am a relatively new follower but I followed you from my personal blog first. I am starting my own childrens photography business and I was wondering if you had any advice? It's a big step and I've gotten alot of positive feedback but I don't know what to do past finishing my real website and waiting for referrals. How did it happen for you?
PS LOVE the sky in the wedding pictures.
LOVE those pjs! I love when I am really cold to put on a pair of leggings with my Ugg boots, I'm so comfy then!
x, ash
Hi Jenn~~
Your photographs are gorgeous!! The shot under the willow trees was breathtaking.
And your p.j's are AWESOME :)
That's the first time I've seen your photography! Simply amazing. And since I also fight the battle of the bulge, I'm rooting for ya!
Great photos, as usual.
but about the friend thing --- dude it takes time when you move to a new city. At least a year. And you have to put yourself out there --- if you meet someone cool, get their contact info and invite them out for a beer later. How would you handle a business opportunity...? you wouldn't let it slip through your fingers, would you? Same with a potential good friend.
It's hard. But clearly you're cool (if you have so many followers), so I'm sure you'll make girl friends with a little/lot of effort.
Happy Sunday!
CAnt wait to check out the wedding photos, and I cant believe its so cold over there already. What the deuce!?
Lucky for! My town is so small, I dont think its even on there! Bring a weapon with you, you know, just in case! And of course, take pics!
Love the pictures and the footie pj's. Hope you are staying warm.
I always click to get notified of follow-up comments but you are getting soooo many since your "blog of note" I find it hard to keep up reading. I can't imagine being able to find the time to respond to ALL of them.
Glad you have some meet ups planned. I really wish I lived closer, I could use a girls' night out.
LOVE the footies! I would love to have a pair of my own, but I am TALL so I have a feeling that any adult size I could find wouldn't fit from shoulders to feet! lol
I love your babygro/ sleepsuit!!! I want one, I want one!!!
This is the first time I've visited your site and almost did not leave! Really enjoy your stories and so very, very well done on the weight loss!! That is sooooo admirable!!
Also you look very much like the girl i sit next to at university! Bizzare. Good luck with your week and weight loss!
I love having a blog to rant about weight stuff, and i find when i do get a comment it means so much to me. Its nice to know people you dont even really know, actually care enough to read about you! Well thats how i feel anyway. :) is amazing, after moving to a new city (DC) I was totaly lost but then I found that site and I have met so many awesome people through it I recomend it to everyone now. Good luck with the eating better thing. Weekends always kill my drive cause I want to be social but eat healty at the same time.
Oh my goodness, those pjs are so snuggly and comfortable looking! I wish I had a pair. Where the heck do they sell adult sized footie pajamas?? Pretty freezing in my neck of the woods too :-/
Awesome photographs!
Do you get to eat the wedding cakes?
Those are some of the coolest PJs I've seen!
Also, you're very talented. Your photography is amazing. The wedding pictures are absolutely beautiful.
I am surprised you feel the need to lose weight, I think you are beautiful and you look great! Love the footie jammies, I used to wear them when I was a teenager. Not sure my hubby would be too interested in me wearing them now. LOL I do wish you luck in your weightloss goal though, we all always know what we need for ourselves but just know that there are many people out here who think you look pretty darn good. Have an awesome day!
Is there a butt hatch in the back of those jammies? Hahahah!
I love the PJ's. Btw I'm so glad you found and joined meetup. I was going to suggest it but I forgot. I'm absentminded lately. I am in a few meetups. I hope they work out for you. Just remember other people are just like you. Looking to make friends, thinking the same thoughts, having the same fears. If you meet someone cool, don't be afraid...just ask them if they wanna play? :)
Hi JB,
Just joined the 'Followers', I really enjoyed your gallery and blog.. I'm just getting into photography myself... and totally enjoyed your pic's... Excellent!
Oh, and please bury those silly ideas about losing weight! you are a great role model for professional woman around the World. Don't fall for social comments on how you look in comparison to other women around the World... your already unique!
Good look with the pic's!
You are looking AMAZING girl! Keep up the dedication and hard work. It is really paying off!
P.S. I absolutely LOVE the pajamas! they're adorable! :)
OMG those pajamas ! I loveeeee them.
Wow. I am really tempted to go find you and steal your pajamas. Even though I have no idea where you live except for Milwaukee. Haha.
And yes, rain sucks bad, but people are troopers if they can stand through the frigid air. That's beast.
And I love your blog. Its very interesting.
nice pants. (:
Catching up with blogs while I'm sick and this one makes me laugh. I love the pajamas with booties!
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