Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Paranormal, huh?

Alrighty, y'all.

I just got back from seeing Paranormal Activity. Have any of you seen this already? I want to talk about it with you guys, but I don't want to give anything away for those of you who haven't seen it. If I get lots of comments like, "I saw it! I saw it!" I'll be talking about it soon. It's a talk-about-it kind of movie to me.

Dan and I are going to see Rob Thomas in concert tonight. I am SO excited for the show! I've never seen him (or Matchbox 20) in concert before, but I did see one of his shows on television a few years ago. It looked amazing. Concerts are one of my very favorite things. The experience I have at a live show is something I treasure.

Next, I want to thank ALL of you for the comments on my last entry. I appreciate all the time you took in sharing your thoughts and points of view. I considered posting another full entry about the subject, but I feel all the span of comments covered just about anything else I might have said. Some of you feel much more strongly about the subject than I do, some of you are completely on the opposite side from me, and some of you are in between. I got one comment from a reader who seemed to get precisely what I tried to say, so I'm going to share it with you all here, and hope from this you realize that my blog did not come from a place of disgust or my despising anyone.

I'm new to your blog, and this is the first post I've read thus far (I will be reading more). My mom is one of the ladies you saw in the airport. She's not at the wheel-me-through-the-airport stage and doesn't use the grocery store thingies, but she could be there any time. She is a very heavy woman and suffers from knee pain. It started with a fall that injured one of her knees. It was painful, she catered to it, slowed down and became more and more sedentary (she wasn't that active to start with) and things got worse- she gained weight, hurt more, became depressed, more sedentary... You see where this is going. This summer her 90 yr old mother got out of the car & into the grocery store before she did - with a walker. Wake up call.

As you swore, I swear I will not be like that either, though I struggle with weight & depression. And I'm not going to let her keep spiraling. My mom's been there for me through thick & thin, and now it's my turn to rescue her. How will I do this, you ask? Why, it's simple- I'll make her think SHE is helping ME. She's an angel who will help anyone in need, it'll totally work.

Anyway, on behalf of my mom, I'm not at all offended by your post. I want her life to be richer, better, healthier. I want her to walk with me, with her grandchildren, with her grouchy old dog.

It's why I love the blogging world. The sharing of information, ideas, thoughts and feelings is prevalent. I also took everything you all said into my heart and will look at it. I am open to looking at who I am (I've mentioned blogging is like free therapy, and I'm serious about that.) I can't think of a better way to improve upon myself than to put myself out there for you all to see, totally honestly, and for you to all act as a giant mirror, showing me what you see. I appreciate all your feedback, and I welcome it at any time. I'm happy I can be OUT there and honest with you guys, and I promise I will try to never stop being as honest as possible.

In other news, Denver is supposed to get a big buncha snow tonight after midnight. 6-10 inches for the metro area! Those folks in the mountains are looking at a forecast of 10-20 inches. Holy crap! I'll definitely be sharing some pictures with you guys tomorrow. <3



Willow Marie said...

OMG. I totally saw Paranormal Activity. It seriously scared me.

Quincifer said...

I wanna see that film!!!!

Also, good decision not making a whole big post about it, I don't think you needed to. Your opinion is your own, their opinions are their own - end of :)

erinfaith said...

YES!!! i just saw it 2 nights ago and would love to hear your views. personally it scared the bageezus out of me!

Joe said...

I think it's important and refreshing that you speak your mind openly and honestly in your blog, it's why you have so many followers, if that leads to one or two being offended now again, pffft, so be it, you can't have your cake and eat it! (Certainly not on this blog anyway!)

Haven't seen Paranormal Activity but didn't have any intention to so feel free to go mad with spoilers!

This Little Girl Dreams... said...

yes I saw paranormal activity and it scared me but it didn't haunt me. And yay to being open and honest. Being PC is boring.

Hannah said...

I really like the idea of blogging as free therapy. Especially for high-profile bloggers like yourself. For me I pretty much just have a couple friends and we support each other. It really is nice to see/hear everyone's opinions.

MB said...

I'm not a huge fan of the spooky movies so I probably won't see it until it comes out on DVD. Sounds creepy.

I'm so jealous you'll be taking pictures of snow. I can't wait to see the winter wonderland.

Anonymous said...

I also saw it. I was not overly impressed. Thought it dragged up until the last half hour. The very end did much me jump, but otherwise I was not overly impressed, and I normally LOVE those kinds of movies.

Joy De Vivre Design said...

OOh my friend invited me to go see Paranormal Activity, but I was too chicken! LOL! If you are into that stuff stop by my blog this week. I am doing a whole Halloween week of haunted cities!

I hope you had a great time at Rob Thomas. I like his voice.

I love your 'Something Blue' picture below. You are such a talented photographer! I am pretty sure I have told you that before, but oh well there it is again! :)

Ainslee Kardisco Kroenke said...

I'm going to see it this Friday! So add a spoiler alert if you blog about it before then!! Have fun at the concert! I, too, live for live music. Although I have my favorite artists, I will pay to see almost anyone of any type of music live because the experience is that amazing. Let us know how it is!

M said...

Im too chicken to see it! Lindsay over at Lindsay: Under Construction saw it and said she cried! You have to tell me if it scared you or if it really is like the Blair Witch project(which didnt scare me at all)

Itll be weird to see snow again!

Runnergirl said...

I would LOVE to see Rob Thomas... but he's not very well known over here. In the meantime, I shall have to be OVERJOYED about getting tickets to see Dave Matthews. Seriously, I am SO chuffed about this.

Enjoy the concert...

Jasmine said...

I want to see that movie!!! Also, Rob Thomas is wonderful in concert! I saw Matchbox Twenty a while back! It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to!!! Enjoy!

CC said...

1. I saw Paranormal Activity a couple of weeks ago and thought it was lame. Curious to hear your thoughts.

2. I saw Rob Thomas in concert a few years ago and he was awesome! My favorite concert ever. I'm sure you had a great time!!!!!!

kimert said...

I lost all train of thought when you said Rob Thomas. He's my secret lovah! lol.. I am seriously so jealous! He didn't come to my city for this current tour. Enjoy!!!

miss teenager said...

ahhh, i want to see Paranormal Activity!!! Is it really scary? My friend said it was the scariest thing he's ever seen.

check out my blog :)

English Rose said...

Honesty makes the world go round. Well it doesn't but I expect it's a good place to start, no? And these other people are right - people read this because it's honest, so they should deal.

Keep on typing up a storm



Kassandra said...

I saw it opening night at midnight. While I was watching it I felt like it was an interesting movie but that it was moving too slow. The end, when he jumped up on the bed and ran out of the room? I started laughing hysterically...it was really inappropriate and I got a good punch from my friend lol.
THEN I got home; I was scared for days. I don't think its the movie, but the after affects.
By the way, I love your blog! Yours is really the only one I follow :) Thanks for being so interesting, lol.

Erin said...

I am too scared to see Paranormal Activity, but I'd love to read your thoughts about it.

I would also love to see Rob Thomas. I loved Matchbox 20 and his solo stuff is very good too.

Rachel said...

Hi Jenn!

Don't know how I stumbled upon your blog, but I love it! I have a blog too and I mentioned you--I am trying to lose weight too and your honesty inspired me to put myself out there.

Take care and keep blogging!


Kendra said...

Ok...lets see...
1. Rob Thomas is amazing
2. I'm seeing Paranormal Activity on Friday
3. I live in the Greeley CO area and this snow is NUTS! But I'm loving it! :)
4. Honesty and bluntness are two characteristics of myself that I enjoy and I absolutely enjoy when others are the same way!! No need to worry about what you post on YOUR blog :) It's your theraphy session ;)

Thanks thanks for being a great blogger!

Christy said...

Haven't seen it, but I'm going to see "Where the Wild Things Are" tomorrow! :)

(^_^) ♥ said...

I saw Paranormal Activity last night...it was awesome!!

Sasha Carr, Ph.D. said...

I have not paid to watch a scary movie (and thus ensure no sleep for days) during this millennium so I won't be able to discuss that film, but...
Yes, yes, YES to your second-to-last paragraph. So well-said.

Food Diva said...

I saw Paranormal Activity... and went to see it thinking it would be creepy-scary not head-spinning scary .. and it did it's job for me! In my opinion ... scariest movie ever.. maybe not.. but its the kinda thing that scares me day to day in my own house so it creeped me OUT! Love your blog.. good luck to you !! :)

zibbit said...

I saw "Paranormal Activity" too and would love to hear your views. I thought it was boring for the most part; they could have done more to make it even better. As others have said, the ending did make me jump, but I didn't find it that scary. However, like Kassandra said, I too was conscious of every little noise my house made when I went to bed that night.

Nicole said...

Perhaps I have nerves of steel (which I don't) but Paranormal Activity wasn't that scary to me. It would almost be better seen at home instead of at the theater. In the dark. All creepy like. Please do discuss the movie on your blog. I'd love to comment further.