Secondly, our pumpkins!


SO! Now the reason we're all here. Women's clothing sizes are shittastic. As any woman knows, shopping is a huge, long, complicated ordeal because our sizes are crazy wild alloverthedamnplace.
I wanted to show you guys a few things related to my wardrobe.
Size 18 jacket, size 14 tall pants:

One of my goal outfits, from Newport News, size 12 pants, size 12 vest (tight!), size 10 jacket:

Size 10 red pants... yes they can zip but I muffin top over them:

Another goal item, size 12 white sailor style pants... still too tight, and I'm SUCKIN' it in in these photos, y'all:

My old favorite white pants, size 10, super soft, don't zip/button:

Gap, size 16 capris, totally tight:

Wilson's Leather size 12 leather pants my mom bought me back when I was on Gimme the Mic in Denver...

Before on the leather pants:

And, drumroll!! I've gotten my ass (barely) into some size 12 jeans. I found these photos of myself from Memorial Day 2006 two days ago, and couldn't remember what jeans these were.
Dan and I:

Me with my brother and our grandparents (isn't my family just adorable?!):

Well, I found 'em! These are size 12 from New York and Company.

Now, I don't think I have any real right to wear these out in public yet, but... I'm really close. I'd like to be wearing these in Denver when we visit in two weeks. :) It's interesting to see how baggy they were on me in the before photos, and they're so tight on me in the "current" photos but... because I have heels on I feel like I look better. Funny how accessories can make such a huge difference.
So the moral of the long photo essay is... don't measure your success by your sizes. They vary and change, and it's too hard to keep it straight, dammit. Just keep track of your measurements and go by how your current clothes feel, how you look in the mirror, and measure your success in health, ability, strength, flexibility, complexion, hair shine, energy and smiles as you go forward in your journey.
<3 Jenn
1) love your blog
2) love this post
We're starting a weightloss challenge with a bunch of friends and i linked them you're blog for inspiration.
I totally agree that don't track your progress by the pants. because my size 14 old navy jeans fall off, but my size 12 levi's squeeze me like a stuffed sausge at christmas time.
I LOVE those sailor pants. That is my most flattering style. Looking forward to rocking them again soon.
so i'm really new to blogging and i just found your blog the other day and i'm addicted! you're such an inspiration to those around you and keep up the excellent work, you're looking fantastic! but i don't know about this "ex"-hot girl business, i think you're incredibly beautiful at any size!
thanks for being such an inspiration :) i love your blog
I love this post!! Thanks again for being so real, honest & geniune. It is quite refreshing.
BTW, love the new 'do!! & the pumpkins look awesome.
Thank you for posting the ridiculousness that is clothes' sizing. I swear, I think clothing designers just got drunk one day and played 'pin the size on the pants'.
Also, reading your blog has started me on my own weight loss mission. It was the cyber kick in the butt I needed. So, thank you so much!!!
Your blog is the BEST!!! I so agree with you. I have been tracking my weight by measurements. And I tried on a pair of pants today that were too tight for me a month ago and now....THEY FIT!!!! woohooooo.
Loved those red pants. They look awesome!
pant sizes are so ridiculous, example;
i have a 27" waist. now i have found size 8's (Mossimo=Target because when fat i become cheap) that fit me great in the waist, baggy in the ass, and a size 12 (Old Navy= see cheap above) that i can barely even button!
i just don't understand it at all : (
when i pulled up those size 8's i was totally excited and ran to the mall to try on a pair of 7 for all mankind jeans.....DUDE i could NOT even pull them up OVER my ginormous ASS :( i wanted to cry right there in the dressing room.
BTW, love your blog and you are totally gorgeous!
and may i just add; looking back over your photos you seem pretty darned well proportioned (not that it means a damned thing someone saying it, i listen to my husbands compliments and don't take them to heart because inside i am not happy with my weight). i am 5 foot freaking nothing so i never look polished, proportioned, or wonderfully leggy (like you appear in your photos) so i always feel like the teapot short and stout ; )
Nice picture!
(Go figure...dude runs a photography blog; guess what he notices first?) :-)
Looking good! :)
Wow. You look amazing!
I really enjoy your blog. :)
Lol at all of the different sizes! You look great and so many cute pairs of pants! Love them all!! I'm a heel-wearer too on occasions where I need to feel slimmmm.
Thanks for this post! After being told that American Eagle jeans fit oh so big and if I'm normally a 16 then I should fit a 14 no problem...then going to the store and seeing the largest size a 14, trying them on, and nearly shooting myself when the fuckers wouldn't get over my hips...
You're right, everything does fit different! And I despise that my mom and sis in law have no hips and can fit two sizes smaller because of it at AE. It sucks.
PS: I want those capris!!!!
Yeah this is totally crazy stuff! I have a size 9 jean that fit perrrrfect about a year ago and now...well they don't! LOL but I have another pair same size!
This is why it is so hard to buy stuff....I mine seriously I bought a suit last week that fit nice....the reason I bought is here this week at my work! so I try on the pants and guess what....you got it...they don't fit me this week!
Oh well they'll fit me next week when I don;t have to impress at work.....
what about the one size fits all......gotta love that sales pitch.
Thanks for you're blog lots for me to learn out here.
Your new goal outfit is adorable! I must say that I am inspired. I don't know how to join all these weightloss blog things, nor do I know if I have the time. However, I am going to start my own journey tonight. Your blog is complete inspiration.
I told my boyfriend the whole "it needed to be done" story...I couldnt stop laughing so I had to repeat it THREE times. Still sofa king funny!!
Is it ok to say your man is gorgeous? If not, just pretend you didnt read that!
As always--L O V E the photos!
Firstof all, LOVE the new hair! Very HOT.
2nd, WOW on the pumpkins. We don't really do the whole haloween thing here is Australia, so it's amazing me the skill involved in your work.
Lastly, have to agree with you completely on the sizings. I wear a siz 10, 11, and 12 jeans (aussie sizing). Bought a size 12 jeans the other dayand I can't get the things done up. ok, i should really try them on first, but still, they should fit.
I have gotten to the point where I just hate shopping, so your post has really made me realise it's not just me and maybe I should persevere.
Thanks again for keeping your blog so up to date. you are a great inspiration. :)
My dream one day is to be able to wear a pair of white/cream trousers without looking like a whale!
I have to say, I think you look good in all those photos, and I think your "muffin top" might be imaginary! However, I know that if you don't feel quite comfortable in them yet, you will soon.
I wear size 14 (US size 10) suits that I've been wearing for nearly 3 years - I think they've stretched, as when I try to go and buy new suits now, I have to get the bigger size. And I am refusing to go up a size...
This post had me laughing - I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who goes through the wardrobe trying everything on and prancing around in it ... I just haven't quite got round to taking photos of it and posting them yet. Love it. And yeah - womenswear sizes SUCK.
I love your new hair!! & of course your blog!
I try to make a mental note of what sizes fit me where but its impossible. I just wear what fits.
You seem to hoard your clothes like I do, hoping to god i'll lose that little bit of weight and fit into them again *pleasepleaseplease*. I have a huge suitcase filled with clothes I can't bear to get rid of!
Loving the new hair colour btw.
How creative and ballsy to take all of these photos to illustrate a point that was at least floating somewhere in all of our minds: sizes no longer mean anything, it's true. And those pumpkins are gorgeous (again, so creative).
That is sooo true! One of the reasons I hate shopping so much! I would love to be able to pick up a pair of pants, purchase them, take them home - and have them work...but with women's sizes it will never ever be that way! Congrats on the weight loss, even though I think you look amazing the way you are!!!! :)
Your posts have really inspired me to lose weight. I am really good at talking myself out of things, but reading your blog gives me a boost of motivation. I think you look great!
I wear a size 14, and sometimes, if I am lucky can comfortably squeeze into a 12. But my goal is to fit back into my size 8's that I have saved in a box titled "One Day"
Thanks for the inspiration!
Love the new hair! And you are like an artiste with a knife on a pumpkin!!!!
I'm just praying that I fit the present my daughter brought me back from Los Angeles!
I certainly find my size ranges by about 4 sizes depending on the cut/design/label. I like to always think of myself as the smallest size I can squeeze my ass into. :)
I love the red pants.
I have to say i also love the new hair that color really makes your eyes pop.
THank you for that!! I have been banging my head against the wall (not literally) because I can not fit into the jeans that I wore last year. And... I have been working out consistently, and watching what I eat. So how can that be??? Especially since the stupid work pants (that I have no need for at this time) fit. I have gotten to the point where I refuse to buy new jeans, but I am going to have to hang out at home in my black work pants! LOL! I needed to see the variations!
You are awesome! Thanks again!
A1. Love the hair
B2. Your pumpkins are awesome!!
C3. Great post. You are so very close to fitting in most of those outfits, go you!!
x, ash
I love the New York and Company jeans on you. I think they fit really well. BTW I love the hair. It's fantastic.
I love this post, love your new hair (like I said in my last comment, you can pull off any hair color) and love your clothes! You have so many cute things.
I'm loving the hair! Very hot!
And I always get annoyed with clothing size. I normally try to get all of my pants at the same place to avoid confusion.
EXCELLENT post on why sizes can drive a woman CRAZY!!!!!!!!!
You've inspired me to get some new GOAL clothes!
I just wanted to let you know I read your blog all the time and you are amazingly positive. I also just wanted to let you know I have a present for you on my blog!
YUP. My clothes vary across five different sizes. When will we catch on to the damn Europeans?!
omg, that's SO TRUE. case in point--i'm wearing size 6 pants from old navy right now (no haters, please, i've worked hard for this!) and yesterday i pulled out size 10 cords from lands end that were huge everywhere but TIGHT in the waist!!! WTF??? i yearn for the day when designers stop insulting our intelligence and SIZE OUR CLOTHES THE SAME WAY THEY SIZE MEN'S--i.e., "real" sizes!!!
Love the fashion show...and your sassy attitude!
I started my new weight-loss/road to feeling good in my body journey today and your blog has been one of my biggest sources of inspiration. Thanks, and keep up the GREAT work!
Cute clothes, thanks for the pics, that's always fun. I think you could totally rock those jeans in the last picture, right now. And I hope this isn't too forward but you have a great shape and a really nice butt! And I'm jealous of your cute flat tummy.
I love your grandma :D She is the most awesome thing.
And love it when you post lots of photos!
I totally agree about clothing sizes. Vanity sizing, and anti-vanity sizing are the bane of my life.
I think we SHOULD measure in smiles :)
Preach it sista'!
Love the post, love the progress, love the pics.
Thanks for sharing.
You are very brave for showing pics of yourself like that! That takes a LOT of self-confidence, and I think it's awesome. You are doing great, keep it up! This blog is so inspirational! And by the way - high heels do make EVERYTHING look better!! I couldn't live without 'em.
Wow, I'm looking pretty chubby in that pic too :( Maybe I should put up a b4 and after for me too. Keep it up Jenn, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved this story, it truly needed to be done. I know how shocking it is to wear a size 10 or 12 at home and then you go to the store to by new clothes and the only ones you fit in are the size 14. By then you are so depressed and deflated that you don't even want to shop....in any store because you think that you have gained a bunch of weight and the only reason that the small jeans at home fit you is because you figure you have worn them so much that you have permanatly streached out the jeans. However, the way that you physically showed people that yes you might be a size 10 in one brand or style and an 18 in another was amazing. I will deffinatly remember this artical next time I am shopping for clothes and maybe I won't feel so defeated.....Thank you so much women everywhere need to read and look at the wonderful examples in your article.
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