Secondly: I put a hole in my face today:

Thirdly: I got the dress. You know... THE dress. The dress I've been dying to wear and all freaked about the measurements and really wanting to wear for New Years.

So... here's the deal. It "fits," but it doesn't FIT. It's tight across the ole' boobies... so it sort of felt like I was going to rip it when I was pulling it over my head. it's a high waist so the hip/waist measurements didn't really affect my ability to zip it. Just my ta-ta's and back.

So, the thing they should start putting on the freakin' measurements is the ARM measurements. 'Cause my arms are too big for this dress. Yes, technically, I squished them through the holes, but when I took the dress off after having it on for ten minutes, I had red lines. Obvious ones. Red, red lines around each of my biceps.
Needless to say I'm not wearing the dress for New Years. :( I mean, I COULD, but then I'd lose all feeling in my arms and they'd probably fall off. Plus because of how tight the dress is on top, it sort of makes my boobs look like downward facing dogs.
BUT! It's okay. Thanks to my favorite fabulous New Yorker, Bitch Cakes, I found Mode Merr, the most awesome and gorgeous dress place, ever. I ordered this dress immediately, and they're going to expedite it to me so I have it for New Years.

The thing about it? I love this dress more than the other one. <3
Love the new dress!! Very cute & sexy at the same time.
Ah!!!!!!!! A hole!!!!!! I love it almost as much as I love you!! =) A few more and you'll catch up to me! ;)
#1.) You look so cute with the nose ring (although I am a little biased!)
#2.) The teal dress still looks cute - even if it is tight on your arms and boobies. The arm & boob clothes tightness problem happens to me all the time! :(
#3.) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the black dress! It will look so cute on you with your new hair and hoop earrings (being that it is off the shoulder!)
Now I wanna play dress up!
The black dress is way hotter anyway!!! Happy New Year!
I must say that I really like this black dress... a lot! And "technically fitting" is a lot better than not fitting at all! I know what you mean though, I have a shirt that first PERFECTLY everywhere except the arms. When I take it off, I feel like I need to massage my arm to get the blood flow back into it. Needless to say, I don't wear that shirt often...
You're doing good! Bet you'll be killer on New Year's!
Keep the first dress for Easter or a summer wedding. Put it with a nice pair of white shoes and it will look fantabulus!!!!
Wow, can't wait to see you in the black dress. It's gorgeous!
I have those same shoes!! They ROCK! I was so scared at first scared about your hole but it is adorable!
I like that dress way better much sexier!!!!!
Got to know the reasoning about the piercing...a girl in my office has one exactly like yours and I think it made her detractive... plus it catches more boogies that are sometimes obvious...just the mental picture is a turn off. Maybe yours will grow on me.
The black dress will be cool.
Check out this blog link. Its a blog of note. Funny story about a "wedding " photographer
Congrats on knowing what works for you! I love both the dresses, but actually think the black one will be way more chic for New Years. Can't wait to see you enjoy the cute blue number, tho. :)
Did the nose ring hurt? That's exactly what I want, but no one close to me thinks I can pull it off. :-/
You look great! And keep in mind that Delia's is meant for teens/tweens, not women, so their sizing runs really small. That teal dress is way cute for sure, but the black one looks like it'll fit you even better!
Have fun!!
I love both those dresses! Makes me want to go out and buy some!
I also like the new hole in your face. I secretly really like them... especially when they're just teeny tiny. You've got the cute, edgy look that can pull it off. Me, not so much (plus I think my husband would kill me) :(
super cute nose! lol...that was kinda random..anyhow, the dress looks great! personally i love the black one better- black is my favorite accent...the shoes with the black, if anyone could salivate over shoes that would be me! i am wanting to find the perfect bday dress..any suggestions???? i want to be chic, sexy, comfy and damn hot!!
The black dress is fantastic!
I hate it when everything fits but the arms...grrrrr. And only some too-tight things on the chest actually look good. So good choice to switch it up, and you'll fit into the green one soon!
Love the nose ring! I'm totally pro-nose ring though. I've had mine for 7 years now and when I first got it, I looked in the mirror and thought, "Oh! THAT'S what was missing!" I still love it.
I do like the teal dress, but I LOVE the black dress. It is sexy and versatile. Nice purchase!
LOVE the nose ring and always wished I had the face to pull one off (I DO NOT).
and like the teal dress, love the black shoes, adore the NEW black dress as it simply SCREAMS YOU.
cant wait to see it on.
I think the teal/green dress looks cute, but it's not very ... dressy? It doesn't look tight around your boobs though.
I think you'd look better in the black dress! Get it!
love your posts and both dresses. totally agree with all the comments about the black one being more sexy sophisticated and the teal one for a lovely day time event or party.
I fid it so frustrating when a top fits nicely everywhere except the arms. how can it be that the arms is the tricky bit to fit???
I LOVE LOVE the black dress! You are going to be smokin' for new years! And the nose ring...well as a nose pierced gal myself...welcome to the club! It looks awesome on you.
Looooove the dress... ugh, and i hate when a dress or shirt gives me pancake boob...
oh, and i would also like to add that my security word it made me type in was "booger". Yeah Im 12 years old inside- but I laughed;)
Jenn you are absolutely beautiful in everything you wear, I envy you! Gorgeous gal!
Love love love the new dress! More than the old if I do say so myself. And I've always played around with the idea of getting my nose pierced, but have never followed through. Sometimes I feel like I'm not "cool" enough for it. Lol, maybe I'll make it one of my rewards after I've lost a certain number of pounds. A tattoo should be on that list too...hmmmm.
i almost posted a warning comment when i saw you were ordering from delia's. regardless of the number on the tag, their stuff is designed for sticks under the age of 20. when i was a "normal" size 4, i ordered a LARGE from delias and it was STILL too small!
Super CUTE!!!! I love the black one!!! I think you will be HOT in it!!! Love the nose ring too! I wanted one when we moved, because I am self employed now and can have one! But my husband said that would be a deal breaker! LOL! He does not like them. So, no nose ring for me.... like to keep my man happy! :) (really not sure if those things belong in the same sentence, my man and happy...but I do what I can!)
I love both dresses but I have a hard time with my arm thickness, too!
I like the hole in your face and the dress! Kudos!!!
I want the same hole in my face !!!! ;; &; btw I think you look beautiful ! love the blue dress but can a woman really have more than one little black dress? either way im sure you'll be a knock out for new years
( Life as a TEENaging )
Ooh that black dress is FIERCE!
Love it!
1. Nose piercing suits you....i love mine!!!
2. Bummer about the boobs and arms problem! :( But at least it's not a waist problem ;)
3. The new dress looks like an amazing find!!! Can't wait to see you in it!!!
Love the nose ring & love the new dress! I have issues with sleeves, too.
I cant wait to see a pic. of u in this it. It is HOTT!!
I have no doubt that you will look beautiful in whatever you wear!
Also: thanks for the comment, I didn't really think you started that idea yourself but you're how I came across it so you got the credit. :)
I love your new dress choice. Very chic and very stylish. You'll wow 'em at New Years!
I love the black one! The other one seemed summery and not festive. You can jazz up the black one.
Have a great night on NYE!!
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