Alrighty! I'm doing my first official book giveaway.
This was a smooth read - I finished it in one night. This is a really groovy way to do a book... though I was more expecting the diary style of other writers I've read - this was from a diary she had when she was in Junior High. It's really an interesting eye opener into the lives of young girls struggling with body image and eating disorders.
If you'd like a copy of Diary of an Anorexic Girl by Morgan Menzie, leave a comment here with your favorite song and the artist who sings it.
Yeah, I wanna expand my music and this might be a fun way to do it.
So! Start commenting if you're interested in the book and keep an eye out for the announcement of the winner on Saturday. :)
<3 Jenn
Its a tie between Carrie Underwood's "The Night Before" and John Mayer's--"Say."
Try "Fortune Teller" by Xavier Rudd and "Waking Up in the City" by the Ditty Bops. So much fun!
I love listening to Neko Case's "Middle Cyclone." Every song on this album is terrific.
My absolute fave is Welcome You by Mestizo, but that doesn't give you any new music to check out! I just discovered Josh Ritter - good stuff.
I can't name just one song as my favorite!
But here are some of the tops:
Girls just wanna have fun ~ Cyndy Lauper
When You Say Nothing ~ Alison Kraus
Fire on the Mountain ~ the Greatful Dead
Brass in Pocket ~ The Pretenders
Me & Bobby Magee ~ Janis Joplin
**now, john Mayer ~ sorry! all old stuff!
I love Joshua Radin. I saw him in San Francisco a couple of months ago and he was amazing live. He tells you about each song before he sings it, lets you know what was going on in his life when he wrote it. Makes for some good tunes. CLOSER is a good song...he said that it was about trying to break up with a girlfriend. Oh and VEGETABLE CAR is good too. He wrote it about a girl who used to drive by his house in a diesel mercedes and he wanted her to stop so he could say hi. lol I think I am rambling now...Check him out! bye :)
Since you like John Mayer I am going to suggest a few songs that fit...
1. Out of Season by The Evernauts (the whole album is great but that's my fave song and it's on itunes or I can send it to you since the writer is a friend)
2. What About Now by Robbie Robertson off the Storyville album.
3. Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin
4. I'm A Man by Chicago (Terry Kath was Jimi Hendrix's favorite guitar player and since Jimi is John's favorite...)
I will give the book to my daughter...she run the blog for http://www.about-face.org/ which is a non-profit working to improve girl's/women's self image. Check it out.
Try "It won't be like this for long" By Darius Rucker or "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas. I know..big difference. :)
coming to america neil diamond
Thats awesome that the person above me said Coming to America by Neil Diamond because I was gonna say Forever in Blue Jeans by Neil Diamond
Grapevine Fires by Death Cab for Cutie (really, ANYTHING from Death Cab)and The Ocean by The Bravery. The Ocean has two versions, the original, and the Moon version. Both are awesome, but the original is slower.
Carrie Underwood and Randay Travis' "I tols you so" It's a top Favorite right now, BUT anything by Carrie UnDerwood, Taylor Swift, OR Kellie Pickler is a Favorite of Mine! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
when you're gone by the cranberrie for sure. Even my daughter (5) knew the title of the song and she's only ever heard it a few times. :D
Love to have this.
Evanescence "Going Under"
My favorite song is Fleet Foxes' "White Winter Hymnal."
sundaygirl at gmail dot com
I love Taylor Swift: Should've Said No. I also love her song Love Story.
BTW: I tagged you on my blog.
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