I want to go to Old Navy tomorrow so I can see if I can fit into a size 10 pair of jeans. I don't have any 10 jeans to try on, but I remembered that when I did my clothing post I couldn't zip and button a white pair of size 10 Anne Taylor pants. I was about 185 on October 13th, and I'm about 175 now!

So I'll be looking forward to getting out into the real world and seeing how a new pair of jeans might fit me. No doubt 10's would be tight, but I need to get some... when my clothes feel too baggy it makes me a little more complacent in my weight loss efforts. When my pants are a little tight it reminds me that I need to continue to watch what I eat and that exercise shouldn't be optional! :)
So here's an update on the size 8 jeans I want to be able to get back into! I decided to try them on again. I can't pull them up properly onto my butt because my thighs are still too big, and obviously they won't zip or button. But I'm all the closer. Gah! I can't wait! :)
And actually on my hips I'm down 8.5 inches from my original measurement of 48.5 inches.

Yeah! So nothing else really new to report. See you guys soon!
I love pic updates! You look so cute. Good luck finding something at ON! You're doing great. :-)
Great job! Awesome pictures! Thank you for inspiring me, once again! I'm getting my fat ass into high gear NOW.. well, tomorrow morning. ;) Keep up the great work! Good luck with those 10s!
John is gonna love em'
You're smokin girl! So jealous!
AWESOME updates!!!! You are kicking ass and taking names!
Good for you! I haven't lost very much weight but hey at least I still am : ) I love how fearless you are.
I had that same pants revelation this week! Rock it girl...lookin good
Great job!
I might try that too, tee hee though I'm guessing my skinny jeans won't go past my knees!
Talk about awesome! You are looking fantastic in those pants.
Congratulations, you will be in the new jeans by new years. xx
Good work Jenn. I feel the same way about holding a plank in yoga that you do about pushups. It's brutal. Our teacher will tell us hold this for 30 seconds...it feels like 5 minutes. Last year at this time I joined a friend taking yoga classes once a week. In September we stepped it up and joined a pilates classes and starting in January we will be taking another class called Pilates Gliding. So up to 3 classes a week and my 5 days of riding my exercise bike riding. Pretty good considering before that I was just sitting around trying how to figure how I used to do the things I did when the kids were young. Now it just seems I want to do more. It kind of shocks me. The shred sounds very interesting although I find my sticktoitness isn't as good as when I go to an actual class. I never drop out halfway through a class I go too but when I do a video I can easily quit early.
You look amazing in those pants! Good luck at Old Navy!
You go girl!!! that is awesome-er-iffic results for all your hard work!
Getting into new pants is always exciting. (Waitaminute... that came out sounding kinda dirty).
kick ass
Great job!! Look attcha go! I enjoy progression pics! I'll bet it feels amazing going back and looking at old vs. new pictures!! :-D
Your blog is great.
You are my motivation no matter what size you are. Keep it up!
amy xx
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