Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wakey, Wakey, Me no Makey.

So, as I've been on vacation, I was really behind all of you on taking Fat Bridesmaid's no-makeup-photo challenge.

Well, I swore to myself that I'd do it and participate, and dammit, even though I'm late, I'm gonna do it.

I really like this idea because it reminds me of a GREAT blog post my friend Beth did about a photo she saw of herself and about self-love. Here's a little excerpt:

I may sometimes feel envious of the women with slim figures and perfect skin, but you know which women I am the most jealous of? The ones who seem a little eccentric, who wear clothes that make them feel good even if they aren’t the latest style, who don’t wear make-up and just leave their hair be, who dance like nobody’s watching - the women who are comfortable in their skin. I want it, and I’m going to get it.

For more, you should go over to her blog and read it.

And without further ado, here's my photo:

I'll post again later with some more fun photos from my vacation! :~)


Carlos said...

none needed imo

Fat[free]Me said...

Looking lovely without any makeup - just goes to show!

M said...


Unknown said...

You are gorgeous. And thanks for quoting me. :)

Anonymous said...

Man, you don't need any stinkin' bat dung on your face. You look great! Lovely eyes too!

Losinthisdangfat said...

I love that saying. I want that too. I'm slowly getting there...

Losinthisdangfat said...

By the way, I think you're pretty without makeup!

wildfluffysheep said...

*nods* (im new)
I agree with everyone. *nods*
pretty pretty. :)

Unknown said...

you look great! Id participate, but I dont wear any make up to begin with. :)

Ehren said...

Time to take the 'ex' off the blog title. I agree with Shmologna, it all starts with your eyes.

Miz said...

you are so beautiful.
the eyes
the glow
the facefaceface.

Im a big believer n no makeup--and those who have met me in person can attest it ISNT because society would say I dont need it.

for me
to me
it's simply a mask.

love the photos.


Andrea said...

I think you're beautiful without the make-up. =)

She-Fit said...

You are beautiful... you don't need make-up at all!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

Great pic (you can take the "ex" out of "ex hot girl" as far as I'm concerned), and belated birthday wishes.

MB said...

You look beautiful with or without makeup.