Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Body is a Onederland

I'll admit it. I love that title so much I had to steal it from States of Change, who posted it on a comment on one of my earlier blogs.

Yes, my beloved readers, co calorie counters and fellow fat fighters.

Today I weighed in at 199.4.

WOO HOO!!! Peanut butter jelly time! (Except I won't eat that, but... ya know.) Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!!!

Danceing Banna Pictures, Images and Photos

And now, I get this bad boy:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My next goal is 186, which I would love to hit by September 5th, will take me out of the Obese BMI range and into the merely Overweight BMI range. But, until then, every 5 pound victory is something to celebrate, particularly because I get a new scalejunkie badge. Seriously, I love those things. :)

In other news, I have a wedding today, so I'll be posting new photos most likely this evening.



M said...

LOL I love your title!!

CONGRATS ON YOUR LOSS! If anyone deserves it, its you :)

MB said...

Congrats on reaching Onederland! I'm doing the happy dance for you!

"4 oz" said...

Wow, Jen!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sammy Sue said...

Congrats!!! That's awesome!

Andrea said...

Woohoo! Congratulations!!!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

What a magnificent milestone reached.

You rock a tad.

Unknown said...

Way to go! Yay for the hundreds!!

Tricia said...

Way to go! That's awesome :)

nancy said...

So proud of you, Jenny. Yahhhhooooooooo!!!!!!


Trina said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! I hit wonderland today too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For you it's peanut butter jeally time for me... it's the ice cream and cake song from the Baskin Robbins commercial. I love that song and dance in the living room everytime it comes on.

Carlos said...

way to rock that weigh in... way to kick ass...

EbonyRenee said...

CONGRATS!!! I wish I was there with you!

I'm doing a little dance for you right now!

South Beach Steve said...

Congratulations! It is nice having you in onederland! Now, go forth and solidify your place here this week!

Unknown said...

lovin the dancing banana! lol :) CONGRATS GIRL!!! YOU ROCK!

Valerie Roberson said...

You are AWESOME!!!!! WTG!!!!

Anonymous said...


Well titled blog ;), well deserved loss, and well done on the reaching of Onederland!

Keep on rockin.

Losinthisdangfat said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!!!!