So, I have a problem.
There are certain things I just can't eat/drink/consume in the morning. Tea is one of them. The other is multivitamins. For some reason, unless I have a meal in my stomach, I just can't do it.
The other day I had a yogurt and half a granola bar for breakfast. Then I took a multivitamin and a green tea pill. About 15 or 20 minutes later I felt super nauseous and ran to the bathroom. I dry heaved and spit a bunch of saliva, but luckily didn't puke. I was THISCLOSE though.
I think I'm gonna need to start taking my vitamins after lunch from now on.
On another note, I wanted to respond to a comment I got from Roxanne. PS, thank you everyone for all your comments. I freakin' love them and you guys make my day, so thank you again.
So, Roxanne posted this comment in response to my recent blog post 82 pounds.
Don't you think it might be a little self-destructive to focus on the past. You could diet down to 115 and wouldn't look anything like that...I'm not saying you'll look worse, but different, even better I think.
Why not just eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full - No whites: white flour, sugar, white rice, potatoes, dairy or alcohol. Nothing from a box, can or wrapper. One cheat meal per week.
First of all Roxanne, I love, LOVE her name. Just had to get that out of the way. :)
So, I don't think it's self destructive to focus on the past. This isn't THAT long ago - the skinniest me (in adult years) was in the last four and five years. Focusing on what I used to look like gives me motivation and encouragement that this is NOT impossible. It reminds me that I am the only one standing in my own way of being at a weight I'm happy at. I've been there once, I can absolutely do it again with hard work and dedication.
I also don't know that I'll "never" look like I did. Why would someone think I wouldn't? Sure, I'm four, five years older. But... that's not a huge span of time. Everyone changes a little bit from year to year, but it's not as if I'm 40 and looking, wishing, longing desperately for my 20's body and expecting unrealistically to be that girl again. I think it's perfectly and reasonably achievable.
And once again, I'd like to reiterate what I said in an older post about fat acceptance, that it's OKAY to not like where I am. I don't find any problem with whatever motivation you use as your motivation. If you find something that will help you, motivate you, drive you to be healthier, lose weight and fit into those size 10 pants if that's what you want to do, why the crap is that a bad thing?
Also, the food she mentioned is pretty much what I'm doing, except I do have yogurt so I can maintain some healthy calcium intake, as well as using canned tomatoes with Italian seasonings in lieu of salad dressing. :)
In fact, there are LOTS of great reasons to make low fat yogurt a daily part of your diet, y'all.
- One 8-ounce cup of plain low-fat yogurt provides around 400 milligrams (mg) of calcium, more than the 300 mg in an 8-ounce glass of milk.
- Yogurt also has as much potassium as a banana and as much protein as an egg or ounce of meat.
- The live bacteria in yogurt help in digestion and protect you against other harmful bacteria.
So, Roxanne, thanks for your comment - I do appreciate it! And for everyone else who comments I really do love to read your thoughts, and it's great to know we're all out there in this journey together. :)
I agree about hte motivation part, but I find myself trying to chase something by focusing on the past rather than dealing with the present in order to fix what is wrong with me and causeing me to gain weight back. Anyway, I think you look great!
- Lisa
Forgive me then...I thought those pictures were from at least a decade ago.
I've struggled with weight for over 20 years, and am just beginning to understand that the cause of my weight gain (I was up to 190 at one point) wasn't my lack of control of eating, but the lack of stability in my life and the pain it brought. I was a child, and unable to deal with my circumstances and the only way I could deal with my emotions was to pacify myself with food.
I now understand this, years later, and have entered a career field that focuses on helping people lose weight and achieve higher levels of physical fitness. When I see someone who's very overweight, the first thing I ask them is not so much what they eat, but how they feel because I believe that what we see on the outside is a reflection of emotional health on the inside.
For example, if a woman breaks up with her husband and gains 40 pounds in a year, the cause of her weight gain is not the food or her lack of control, but an internal mechanism that gauges her self-worth to the love she receives from others. By finding a way to make her love herself we fix the problem at the root level, which then results in her naturally wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.
All this is my opinion and the result of my experience with clients, and myself. I hope it helps, and wish you the best of luck :-)
Oh, and I should also mention tea on an empty stomach makes me puke're not alone!
Why not cut the caffeine altogether? It messes with your hormones, produces cortisol and increases belly fat (at least in theory). You can start the day with half a cantaloupe and some raw almonds. How refreshing is that?
RE: the vitamin issue...
A while back, I tried taking the Weight Smart One-A-Dat vitamins (they have a green tea component to them) - it made me sick! I did throw up from it (lovely, I know)! I tried taking them on a full stomach, after breakfast, lunch, dinner - didn't matter. Whenever I took them, 20 minutes later, my body rejected it vehemently. Not exactly sure why this would happen, but it's not uncommon. Others who have tried this one have had a similar reaction.
Take your vitamins at night right before you go to bed. I used to do this when I was preggo and my prenatal vitamins made me sick.
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