Weight - 166.8 (down 6.2 pounds)
I was feeling pretty pretty the other day:
Yesterday stopped by the juicing place by my studio and got a Pink Flamingo! That's orange, grapefruit and pineapple. Yum-o!
And last night, a gorgeous green juice with cabbage, cucumber and apple. Freaking yum.
I definitely still miss food. I have found, however, that I'm most excited to get done with the fast so I can try all the delicious sounding raw recipes I have found. I have been doing research on what kinds of raw foods and recipes are out there for my transition back into eating solids after this is over. :)
Ta-ta for now!
Ta-ta for now!
You are looking gorgeous. Major kudos for rocking the juice fast for 10 days already.
You are looking great and awesome willpower to be on a juice fast for so long. Are you concerned at all that the weight you lose now might come back once you start eating solid food again?
No more ex hot girl for you! You are Hot, Hot, Hot!! And you've inspired me to do another juice fast. I haven't done one since I first started raw.
Thanks Gorgeous!!
uhm ... i cant even believe youre still rockin the juice. youre amazing! youre face looks great! and its looking skinnier too! nice nice job!
Talk about one hot mama your just glowing!!!!! Can't wait until I can get my juicer and try this. :)
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