Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yes, weigh.

Hey you!  The Blogger , Reader or Lurker who is struggling to lose weight.  You know, the one who really watches what they eat and can't figure out why the number on the scale isn't budging.  The one who just can't seem to break through the plateau.  I have something to share with you.

This video puts something huge into perspective for me.  Maybe it will for you, too.


Julia said...

Yup! Tis why I heart my food scale! :)

A. said...

Oh wow... I never even thought of it like that. =S That's crazy! Thanks for sharing, though. Definitely food for thought (no pun intended).

Chubby McGee said...

Uggggggggggggggggggggh. Great. Juuust great.

I know it's true, too.

Until I can get a scale, I'll keep the measurements lower than I already do. She had my measuring cups, too. So...now I know to do it well below the lip of the cup. It really does explain a lot.

Thanks for sharing!!!

Bekki said...

AWESOME!! Thanks

Kelly said...

Wow. Time to get a scale maybe and not be using those measuring spoons!

Thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...

That was a really interesting video. I do use my food scale, but not usually for things I measure.

I guess I should be more careful about how I measure things out.


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly!

I'm so buying the Weight Watcher scale today! I know I have a measuring problem!

Thanks for the eye opener!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

That's why I always just eat the entire container; it's the only way to know for sure...

notasecretagent said...

I measure nothing. UGH, I am awful. :/

And on another, hopefully not-totally-creepy note, a really long time ago I left a comment on your blog to the effect of, "Hey! I live in Green Bay, but if I lived in Milwaukee I'd totally go grab a beer with you sometime." Well, I once again live in Milwaukee (YEEESSSSSSS! I love you, Milwaukee - though at present it is cold as all get out). If you ever want someone to grab a beer with, I'd love to!

Hopefull Phoenix said...

Wow. that hurts! And yes, I DO lick the spoon.
Thanks., I think!

C said...

ha ha....I would never over-measure like that and I would give the peanut butter on the spoon to the dog, but some time later, I would just go have a piece of chocolate cake and not measure it at all.

kuwaiti_gurl said...

Hi Jen!

I want to thank you so much for writing your blog! You've no idea how much u've inspired me and helped me get over myself!

Today i'm at a much better place than like a month ago..and the first person I wanted to thank was you.

God bless ya!