I just get so frustrated trying to find a costume. It seems that everything that's fun is also SUPER short. Have any of you guys noticed this?
Here are some of the ones I really like, but won't wear because they're so short.

SO adorable. Totally slutty.
Also, what exactly is the difference between these two costumes?

The thought had occurred to me that I could rock a red-head character because I already have the red hair. I thought maybe one of these might work:

Also, what...exactly... is "plus size" about this girl?

Is it that she doesn't look like this?

Because honestly, the "Plus" size model is way... WAY hotter.
Ultimately, I think I might have decided to go "Gypsy." Of course the costume I want is around $120.

The puff sleeve blouse of the "Gypsy" costume would work for me because i'm (sorry) a guy and like to hide the big shoulders. The model in the pink dress certainly doesn't look "plus" size to me and i'd prefer a bigger apron. The hemline of the first four outfits would be something i'd be inclined to go for. i like having that lady Gaga look and was thinking about wearing a French Maid's outfit with the skirt caught up under the apron in the back so i can have the seat of my panties showing. i do like the first outfit and the "Miss Wonderland" outfits. Maybe the "Sexy" mis wonderland includes fancier panties underneath. (i don't see the difference in the photos). P.S.: At the moment i'm 40 pounds heavier than you are. You could wear any of the outfits you wanted to. You looked good at 225 lbs too. The model in the polka-dot dress reminds me of Lily Tomlin. Wow. i just noticed you have 2301 followers! Congratulations on that, and i'll be looking forward to reading about (hopefully) your Halloween.
Ummm first let me say the gypsy outfit rocks but I'd probably want to wear it at any time not just Halloween. And you are right, the 'plus girl' is much prettier. I hate how society has changed its view on what is sexy ;( Grrr!
Anyway, I think you should go with whatever you feel comfortable in, however I don't get why you won't wear short, depsite what you've said in the past, your legs are great. xx
I like the very first costume, but you like you said short. Other than that, I'd probably go with gypsy.
I'm voting for Lucy!! I <3 Lucy!
I think that any one that you wear you would rock!! Nothing is plus size about that chick. Didn't you know that the average plus size is like 14 and doesnt have rolls or cellulite!! (can you taste my sarcasm?) Anyway. I was going to do the gypsy because I was scared to wear something so short but ya know what!! The confidence that you wear is really the determining factor of how you look
I don't know why the majority of women costumes have to be slutty. Even the plus sized ones I've found. And really, they never show plus sized models. Poop on that!
Halloween is really never a fun time for me. I'm so jaded :p
Wierd but fun! In England only the kids dress up really. But I think Halloween is bigger over your side of the Atlantic. We have Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th November - big deal over here. Lots and lots and lots of fireworks and lots of hysterical pets!
Thank you. I'm done
I think the "miss" size is teenage sizes. Kind of like the junior thing? lol
Plus size models are generally a size 12. Not exactly plus size as far as I'm concerned.
Rock the gypsy girl, you'd look wicked!
You could make your own gypsy costume using clothes from a thrift store, a peasant style blouse off a summer sale rack, some costume jewelry, and a few scarves for your head and waist. Way more 'authentic' (obvi gypsys shop at Goodwill) and easier on the wallet!
I think the worst/best costume I've seen was "sexy" mother earth at the halloween store. It's like, I can get behind sexy cop, or sexy whatever...but sexy MOTHER EARTH? That's it halloween, you've gone too far! haha. Actually, the best costume was a girl I know who wore the sexy cop outfit with pants underneath. so awesome!
Gypsy is so easy to do on your own! I could pull together an almost identical outfit with stuff I have at home, and I was a gypsy a few years ago. Don't pay $120! Go to Goodwill or borrow stuff from me. Won't you be here before Halloween?
while hot, i think sexy nurse, witch, barmaid, scream 'notice me' i much prefer when women go in a different less sexualized direction.
make your own costume and save money. take some smarties candy and tape them to your jeans, then wear a sign on your back that reads, smartie pants. ha ha, get it!
I think the gypsy is awesome... I also think it is a ton of fabric... and depending what you plan on doing might actually be a pain in the ***. The other costumes are very short, but if you have the confidence to rock em! Go for it. Personally, bring back Jessica Rabbit!! That is such a sexy costume and clearly not short!!
love the "i love lucy" and gypsy one!
Oooh, me loves me some Halloween!
I think the gypsy one is MUCH sexier and more alluring than the more nakedy-ones. Sexy gyspies rock. Slutty, babydoll ho's are just that. :)
That being said, I still think you will look FABULOUS in anything you choose to wear!
Hi. :) New reader here, but I just had to comment. Halloween shopping is almost as bad as swimsuit shopping for me. I always want the cute (slutty) costumes that will make my husband's tongue hang out, but I invariably wind up being a witch or goddess, anything that requires a long and flowy costume! Frustrating. The gypsy costume's adorable! You could be a sexy Raggedy Ann with the red hair...lol...just tighten up her typical bodice and you're good to go. Best of luck to you!
I don't mean to be a wet blanket but since you asked...though the gypsy outfit is cute--why dress up as an ethnic stereotype? Sure, costumes at Halloween often pay homage by replication BUT that's not usually the result when people dress as racial and ethnic groups. Consider if you'd go out in blackface, as a Native American, as a Mexican, as a lesbian, or as a Jew. Likely not.
Gypsies have a wonderful and rich history (and great fashion, obviously) but I wouldn't recommend objectifying a social group in jest -- especially one that has been historically and is currently villified (see the current bruhaha in France (Sarkozy is expelling gypsies from the country with the European Union is not happy about)). Sadly, because stereotypes of gypsies in our culture and in much of the world are so negative (ever see _Drag Me to Hell_?), choosing that costume will likely activate the negative aspects of those stereotypes in your perceivers' minds, reinforcing them rather than paying tribute to gypsies with your hotness as intended (see social psychology lit.). In addition, it may give others the impression that you condone racial and ethnic stereotyping as well as stereotyping in general and that it's OK (I'm not saying that you do but in that costume you'll sartorially condone it).
Anyhow--that's my two cents. Use your cuteness for good rather than evil :D
Moxrox - interesting pov, thanks for the note. I've always LOVED gypsies. The idea of them, stories, their culture, their general awesomeness. If I dress as one, it's because I admire them, not because I'm making a joke out of it. If I wanted to dress as something in jest, I'd pick a banana costume.
<3 Jenn
You would totally rock the Jessica Rabbit look!
lol love this post! i have this issue every year and I usually end up doing nothing then cuz I cant find a costume that either doesnt look way too short or that doesnt make me look like a grandma.
What site did you find these costumes on? I'm still trying to decide for myself as well. I was thinking Wonder Woman...we shall see!
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