Saturday, March 19, 2011

To answer your questions...

A quick note...

I'm getting a lot of e-mails from some of you guys who are wondering where Julia's blog went.  I'll go ahead and clarify here for those of you who missed it:  She's taking a break, perhaps indefinitely.

No, I don't know why.
Yes, we know each other in real life, but I haven't seen her in a while.
She's doing what she needs to do, for her.
If anything changes, it'll be up to her to tell you guys if she wants to.
I am glad you all love her as much as as I do.

So, I hope you understand when I ask you all not to e-mail and ask me about her.  I miss her as much as, if not more, than you all do.



Chubby McGee said...

I was bummed to see her go private, but we all need our privacy sometimes. Sheesh...even I opted to do it recently. I totally understand and respect what she did.

Jules said...

Thanks for this NOTE... Many, Many, Many of us are worried and wondering about her...

As she said "this is for the greater good!" we need to remember to have faith in that!

Jennifer Newman said...

I am sorry Jenn! I shouldn't have bugged you...I know how much Julia means to you. I am sorry to add to your hurt.

much love & big hugs!!


Girlventures said...

Thanks for letting me/us know.

Jessie said...

Thanks for the note to clarify :-) I figured she needed some privacy. Glad to see you writing more blog posts :-) I must admit I don't comment very often.....I'm more of a blog stalker, but not the creepy kind haha!