Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Denver? Nebraska? Yeah...

Just a quickie update!

I'm in York, Nebraska right now.  I was in Denver yesterday morning.  I'll be back in Denver tomorrow.  That's right... I'm squeezin' in a little March storm chasing!

You all know my good friend Tony Laubach - well, when he's not busy kicking ass on Storm Chasers, sometimes I can bribe him to take me chasing because we've been friends for something ridiculous like 10 years.

One of the first (or the first?) chase I did with him years ago:

So, I'll keep you posted with any purty pictures I get of structure, and hopefully a tornado. :)  This is the Tornado threat Convective Outlook.  I know 10% doesn't actually SOUND like it's a good chance, but it actually is.  We were sitting on 2% yesterday and wanting to stab someone for our bad luck.  Today looks MUCH better.

In the mean-time, I'm also looking at restructuring my eating plan to be more similar to that of Beth over at The BETH Approach.  I know I don't react well to sugar & starch... or is it that I'm actually lactose allergic/intolerant?  Or do I have issues with soy?  I know I have hormonal problems because of my acne.  So... I am considering cutting out soy, then dairy (and staying off of sugar?) -- It's all overwhelming and there has been a big bunch of friends on Facebook giving me advice.  I just feel like I shouldn't eat ANYTHING now, and it's freaking me out.




Alexandra said...

If you really enjoy milk, I suggest trying to find some local raw milk. I know it sounds weird, but I have a friend who is a dairy farmer and lactose intolerant. She gets to take fresh raw milk home with her every day, and she loves it. She says it's actually better for you, too. I assume if there is raw milk there is also unprocessed cheese? Just a thought! Good luck!

Ms. Chunky Chick said...

All I can say is listen to your body. Everyone is different. But I tend to find personally cutting down on sugar helps me feel better. but you shouldn't be afraid of food. It you feel like crap after eating dairy stop eating it. I hope that helps

Cole Walter Mellon said...

I love New York! So much to see and do and... what? York? Nebraska? Is this some kind of sick joke? WTF?

j3nn.net said...

I know how you feel! I definitely have hormonal issues and I feel like a lot of it is diet-related. I'm hoping to figure out exactly what is going on. Good luck!

C said...

storm chasing...we have a really crazy storm smacking us silly on the East coast- snow/sleet/rain/hail/thunder snow/ rain.. hope you got your tornado or at least some good pictures. No idea what you should eat...you seemed to be doing great with salads and avocados until you went stark raving mad for junk food. Dieting for a YEAR or more has to get a little stifling even if it IS a plan for life. Maybe back to the salad and avocado with a little fruit and oatmeal or some other whole grain a few times a week?

Jessie said...

I always thought that sounded like fun!!!

Runnergirl said...

I would love to go storm chasing one day - looking forward to some good pics!

Personally, I don't agree with any diet that encourages you to cut out entire food groups.

Why? Because our bodies were designed a certain way, and need a balanced diet of everything to fuel itself.

I also believe that cutting out entire swathes of food is just not sustainable - in the long term anyway.

This is why I follow WW to a large extent, because it teaches you about moderation, but also encourages you to eat less of the bad stuff and more of the good.

Going back to your Bodybugg though - eat less, move more. You've shown it works.

If you know however, that you react to certain foods, then cut back on those - everyone is different, but find a substitute you can live with.

I hope that helps.

Msjbelle said...

I feel the same way. If I just didn't eat anything I would be skinny lol. But it's not that easy. Vegan, Vegetarian so many many options.

rohit Iyer said...

wooo storm chasing... sounds exciting!! Nice blog you've got here... Makes me a stalker of your blog now!! :D


NJ said...

Hey Jenn, after reading your post I thought you might want to check out the book the Hormone Diet by Natasha Turner. She has a website too www.thehormonediet.ca I think. After a year of working out and not really losing much weight I got serious about it and have lost 48 lbs since August. I still want to lose 30 more and have hit a bit of a plateau. The girl that owns the studio where I work out suggested reading the hormone diet. It's quite interesting how different hormones can mess us up. She also relates inflammation to weight gain. It goes through a sort of menu of symptoms and depending on how many symptoms you get it determines your hormone issue and then tells you how to deal with that specific issue. It also includes a 2 week detox period where you give up certain foods to see if you react to them. And coffee...that part was hard but now I drink a lot less coffee. Thought you might be interested in it because of the hormone piece.

Last week was the beginning of my shakeup to get the last 30 lbs off...I've changed up the exercise routine by changing one class to a spin/kettlebell...really need some cardio I think...didn't love it and neither did my lungs and now that the weather is nice we've started doing a quick 20 minute walk at lunch plus I'm going to try to get out on weekends for at least an hour walk which I did yesterday.