Thursday, May 26, 2011

Storms and Such...

Hey all.

#1)  I hope Fitbloggin' was amazing.  I couldn't go for a few different reasons, but maybe next year.

#2)  I've been super busy with lots of photography related things, including lots of storm chasing.  If you're interested, check out the blog at - I recount every trip, and at this point have nabbed 4 tornadoes for the season so far.

#3)  Wedding planning is going well, we had our engagement photos done a few days ago and I'll definitely share them when I get them!

In fitness / health news, I'm back down to around 168-170-ish.  I weighed in a few days ago, and haven't since.  I'm sort of in a limbo mode and not actively trying to lose.  I went low carb for a week or so to drop a few extra pounds of water weight before our engagement session.  Other than that, not really trying for anything.

My latest thing is that I want to get a bike.  I've actually wanted one for a few years but never buy one.  I'm determined to get one, I feel like I'd ride it all the time!

I'll check back in later. :)



Unknown said...

oh wow those photos are crazy cool! i hope you're staying safe while you have so much fun :)

wannabe former fatgirl said...

those pics are awsome, I would not be brave enough to storm chase, I am always sure I will get sucked up and sent to oz.

C said...

you sure picked a "good" year to chase storms....